So, France has banned television programs for children under the age of three-years old. The High Audiovisual Council, in a ruling published Wednesday, said it wanted to "protect children under 3 from the effects of television."
France's minister for culture and communication, Christine Albanel, issued a "cry of alarm" to parents in June about channels dedicated 24 hours a day to baby-targeted programming. In a newspaper interview, she called them "a danger" and urged parents not to use them to help their children get to sleep.
No word on whether the French will soon be banning the world from calling them “weak-kneed cowardly sycophants”.
(Let the criticism begin…)
So, Usain Bolt can most certainly wear the title of the “World’s Fastest
The guy begins his celebrations far before he crosses the finish line and should be taught how to act in victory…
(Let the criticism begin…)
So the manager of the New Zealand Men’s Field Hockey team was ejected from their match
No, you read that correctly…there seems to be a rule that uniforms must be consistent or some crap like that. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with sports today. They regulate the color of your underwear????
On another note…Men’s Field hockey????? Are you messing with me? These guys should be wearing thongs if they are going to be playing Field Hockey. What, couldn't they make the Tiddly-Winks Team in high School???
(Let the criticism begin…)
When the three actors learned that Ledger's will had not been updated to include his daughter, the generous trio decided to donate all the money they earned from the film to little Matilda!
That is very cool and even though I think Jude Law is a turd, I commend him along with Depp and Farrell.
So, is it getting chilly out there again? Seems Norway has posted the
Russia is acting like it wants all its territory back (well at least Georgia), and now, if this happens, we might be in for “Cold War 2 – Ruskies Revenge”.
So, you have to love Forbes…they come up with these lists that just make you shake your head…two I came upon yesterday made me laugh. The first is “10 Most Overpriced Zip Codes In The US”. Can you guess?
- Willow Glen, San Jose, CA
- Rose City Park, Portland, OR
- Greenway Parks Devonshire, Dallas, TX
- Coronado, Phoenix, AZ
- Outer Sunset, San Francisco, CA
- Mission Hills, San Diego, CA
- West Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
- Downtown, Seattle, WA
- Chinatown, Boston, MA
- Tribeca, New York, NY
- San Francisco, CA
- Los Angeles, CA
- Houston, TX
- Washington, DC
- Tampa, FL
- Dallas, TX
- Orlando, FL
- Miami, FL
- Detroit, MI
- Atlanta, GA
I think this is one of my all time favorite Allman brothers that does not get much notice..."Please Call Home" from the IDLEWILD SOUTH album released in September of 1970. This is from vinyl and there are a few pops left...can't get 'em all.
I'm with you on each point of your post Vinny, but the best part was the Allman Brothers tune! Classic stuff!
I always knew that Field Hockey was a personally restrictive sport. Cheers Vinny!!
I will agree wholeheartedly on the issue about French TV ... and Bolt. He's got amazing talent - and an ego big enough to fill the track stadium. I saw an interview with an IOC official, saying he was not impressed with Bolt's showboating.
And that's a fantastic Allman Brothers song.
DANA: YEA...Dana is with me! Smooch
MATT-MAN: But you played it anyway...and you were a kick-a** goalie
RWA: I can not believe anyone was impressed with the showboating...Glad you liked the is HAWT
Vinny, I have an award for you at my blog - come see! :)
1. The French. Who gives a fuck what the French think?
2. Bolt definitely loves to ham it up. Good thing he can come up with the goods, but I, too, would like to see a bit more humility. Glee is one thing (think Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh), but Bolt's exuberance is a bit obnoxious.
3. The music world just got a bit hollow.
4. I dunno - if field hockey is anything like lacrosse in its violence, I think it qualifies as a sport. But regulating underwear? WTF?
5. I hadn't heard the original story, but thanks to bloggers like you and Starr, I'm getting the details here. Nice step by Depp, Law (Mr. I Can't Keep my Dick in My Pants), and Mr. Farrell (Mr. Please, DON'T Call Me Will!)
6. Russia has ALWAYS wanted to reform its former Soviet Union. Not that they could take care of its people any better now than they could then, mind you.
7. Number 4 on Forbes's list is an absolute truth. I completely concur. The houses in this supposed historic district are as overpriced as any in the Bay Area or SoCal. Tiny, tiny cracker boxes for nearly a million. Ridiculous. But at least our city streets aren't considered worst for commuters!
Psst...It's Tony not Tim ;) I just wrote about that the other. Those three have class.
Banning anything in place of encouraging parents to actually parent is just stupid.
As to Bolt, frankly I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Of course I cut my teeth sportswise watching the NFL. Icky Shuffle anyone?
Field hockey would be hella entertaining if they played in their underwear. Oh yeah baby, yeah!
I have driven in Atlanta rush hour and I have driven in Portland's. Gimme Hotlanta any day of the week. At least they don't have freeways with only TWO FRIGGIN LANES.
Where the fuck is Rose City Park? Do they mean the West Hills BY the Rose Gardens? Cause they sure as hell don't mean Parkrose.
we always plan our trips so we go through atlanta in off peak hours. horrible! and orlando is a close second!
smiles, bee
SONGBIRD: 1-LOL yup; 2. yup yup; 3. It sure did; 4. Not sure it is that violent...yoou can hit the shins though!; 5. LOL "don't call me Will" LOL; 6. But if they take over countries again...; 7. Thanks for the insight
STARR: Thanks...corrected...Parents need to be parents...Icky is right...LOL I was wondering who would ask for underwear only...You can have 'ot lanta...I just report em...It is ummm... How the hell do I know...I live in Memphis!
BEE: It can be brutal in 'lanta...
Russia is trying to reclaim it's title as World's Biggest Attention Whore from North Korea.
Bolt might have a bit of an ego problem, but at least he can back it up. Unlike so many loud-mouths in the sports world.
The absolute worst traffic I've experienced in my life was in Houston. God that city sucks so bad. LOL
this post was written for me....
first, I grew up in Willow Glen...graduated from Willow Glen High School. Twenty-thirty years ago Willow Glen was just starting to come back from being an old neighborhood with its own barrio. It is a lovely place now...many homes from the 20's and 30's remodeled on wide tree lined streets. high school...much of my time was centered on field hockey...its like soccer with a weapon...and actually a hell of a violent game. I saw most of the games during the 1984 Olympics in LA and they were GREAT!
What is with the French? They lead the world in nanny-state laws.
Usain "lightening" bolt does have a bit of an ego...not unlike some american athletes we criticism...
Maybe we ought to start a pool on which counry Russia will invade next...did you see the news about them pulling out of NATO....
cool about Farrell, Depp and Law...sigh...
When I heard about Depp, Farrell and Law giving little Matilda their salaries, I thought it was really sweet. My immediate, second thought? "I bet that was Johnny Depp's idea."
That is my absolute favorite pic of Heath & Matilda, and yeah - what you & Beckeye both said, it's awesome. (love me some Johnny!)
JAY: I don't know if they can beat Korea in that race! True, he can back it up, but imagine what the time would have been in the 100 if he was not such an arse...Only been through Houston at 4:00AM...
KATHERINE: How did you know I thought of you for the entire post! I understand female Field Hockey, but men's??? Actually my post mentioned they are pulling out of NATO...
BECKEYE: Not sure we will ever know whose idea, but a great idea anyway --- and WTF was Ledger thinking not changing his will?
TUG: And he loves some Tug (he told me...really!)
I'm guessing he was thinking he was 27, Vinny. Most people even those with kids don't think about wills in their 20's. I didn't. My parents didn't. Heck even my grandparents didn't. No one expect to die at 27 =(
STARR: True, but I was thinking he has accountants and manager etc who are there to watch his one mentioned it when she was born?
All those people were probably more worried about THEIR cut than making sure Matilda would be taken care of...
Good point although I am not sure how many "people" he had. If you look at his stats on Box Office Mojo, Heath wasn't really making all that much per film. Even Brokeback failed to crack the 100 million boxoffice mark.
That would have changed of course had he lived. He'd easily be in the asking 10 mill per picture range.
Either way it was very nice to see these three step up and I agree, this has the Depp stamp all over it. The guy had his Capt Jack outfit flown in from Disney and spent a week of evenings in costume reading to sick kids at the hospital that took care of his daughter.
Why does the government, any government, need to be involved in the raising of my kids? Who asked them?
I-20 going into Atlanta is the Highway of Perpetual Road Construction. They NEVER get that darn thing DONE.
TUG: And that is another viewpoint that has validity
STARR: Well, like the first thing I did when I separated was to take my insurance and change the beneficiary to Matt from his mom...I think people today are more attuned to these things than our parents were.
JENNIFER: They think they have the right in some areas...They are WRONG!
I-20 is one of those roads that will never be finished...sort of like O'Hare Airport...they have been doing construction there since the early 90's
nope I'm on the side of the French and Bolt... but I love an argument. Unfortunately it's pretty late and I'm too tired to play properly.
You feel it too??? The earth may be experiencing Global Warming, but I feel a cold (war) draft coming from Siberia. The Russians will rise again!
**Checks calender** As to the question you asked me a few posts ago...the 29th doesn't work for me, as the puppy will be heading out West on vay-kay! Guess you will have to dust your own house. Sorry about that....:P
The French are still pissed that the Australia got the Wiggles and they didn't.
As for Bolt, I'm sort of in the middle. I totally agree that his antics would be much more palatable if toned down his ego a few notches, but I also saw some footage of him clowning around with some of the other runners before hand. I think that's just his natural personality showing through.
I also try to remind myself that he is only twenty-one years old and it helps (a bit) to put it into perspective. At the same time that doesn't mean he should get a free ride at being an egomaniac.
Well have I sufficiently stayed neutral? Maybe I should move to Switzerland.
On a completely different note, I'm glad you "forced" me into using Firefox. I'm finding several features better than IE so far. One of which is spell check in the comment sections. Wahoo!!
Today I mourn the loss of a man who competed hard between the lines. After the game, he showed respect to his opponent and respect to the game he played.
Mr Bolt might benefit from the lesson that part of your victory is showing respect to your defeated opponent. You can explode in joy, but don't forget that on the other side of your victory is one who came up short. It diminishes nothing to offer your hand as one competitor to another.
TOPCHAMP: All opinions welcome...
MERI: Well you could come before you leave.... LOL
JEFF: LOL at the Wiggles...Switzerland would welcome your non-committal attitude
It is my quest to "force" the world to use Firefox...
TRAVIS: A perfect comment on the situation. Thank you. A fierce competitor who had the respect of his is a rare trait.
That film thing is good - I forgot about that (read your post at work and came quickly just to comment before bed). Is she not going to get anything reallyotherwise?