Tuesday Tidbits

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Well the last 10 weeks or so, I have reminded you to check out Travis from Trav's Thoughts for Dancing With The Stars updates...but...boooo hooo, the show is over - congrats to Brooke on her win - but maybe today Travis will have his recap post...so check him out anyway!

HEY...did you hear???

Amazon.com and MySpace Exclusively Premiere New Bruce Springsteen Single and Music Video, "My Lucky Day"; Single Available for Download Only on Amazon MP3 and MySpace Music for One Week

Bruce Springsteen's new song "My Lucky Day" - from the album Working on a Dream (January 27 / Columbia Records) -- will be available on Amazon MP3 and MySpace Music for one week starting today.

Additionally, Amazon.com, Inc. and MySpace today exclusively debuted the music video for "My Lucky Day," the first time that the two sites have collaborated on streaming video. Fans can visit the Amazon Bruce Springsteen Artist Store, and the MySpace Bruce Springsteen Artist Profile page, to watch the video and download the new single. As an added bonus, fans can also check out an extra two-minutes of behind-the-scenes footage of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band preparing to record the song.

Springsteen's new album 'Working on a Dream' has been set for January 27 release on Columbia Records. 'Working on a Dream' was recorded with the E Street Band and is the fourth collaboration between Springsteen and Brendan O'Brien, who produced and mixed the album.

For more information on Bruce Springsteen, please visit http://www.brucespringsteen.net.

Julie from Julie's Jewels & Junque tagged me with this meme...so since I LURVES her so, I will do it now...

The Rules Are As Such:

Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 46. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The closest book, not the coolest, or the one you think will sound the best. THE CLOSEST.

I am not reading anything at the moment, but the last book I read is right here, so....from Vince Flynn, the book is "Protect & Defend"

Garret could sense the anger in Rapp's voice. "It was bad. It was wrong. I should have stopped him."

"You're damn right you should have, you f**king sociopath." Rapp withdrew the blade from Garret's throat and put it back in its scabbard. With his left hand still holding on to Garret's hair, he said, "And that's why I'm going to kill you."

HA! A great tease for a great book...does Rapp really kill Garret? Go pick up the book and find out!

Click on the logo above to head over to The Teach's blog to see all the entries this week. Folks, RUBY TUESDAY has exploded across the Bloggosphere... THANKS MARY!

Second day of December...last year I got to help Nancy and the boys decorate their Christmas tree...this year - this coming weekend - we buy a tree and decorate their home.

I did bring a bunch of Christmas lights with me when I moved, but they have stayed in their container for the last two years...

Let's break out the box and see what we have...

Humm...looks like some of them work, let's see

OMG!!! The lights are alive...they have me!

Someone call the "Light Police"...hellllllp!

The scene of the crime...a poor boy done in by rampaging Christmas lights...
OH the cruelty of it all!

Radio Happy Hour
Coming up this week on DR. BLOGSTEIN’S RADIO HAPPY HOUR:
(Live on Tuesday December 2 at 9PM
ET and forever archived at BlogTalkRadio.)

Do you ever wonder how the likes of Andrew W.K., Lamb of God, and Slipknot can perform night after night without blowing out their vocal chords? Its an art. An art taught by Melissa Cross, the “Queen of the Scream.”

According to Entertainment Weekly: “Cross is a cheery, red-haired, classically trained voice teacher with a peculiar niche: She caters to the most extreme segments of the metal, punk, and hardcore scenes, teaching performers how to growl like grizzlies, bark like pit bulls, and bellow like tortured children of Beelzebub. All without blowing out their vocal cords.”

She’ll join Dr. B, Dangerous Lee and Vinny Bond to teach us all how to scream like a rock star.

how-to-profit-rapture.jpgThen, the economy may be bad now, but if some scripture is correct, the upcoming Rapture offers a series of amazing opportunities for financial gains for those of us that will surely be left behind.

Steve and Evie Levy, authors of How to Profit from the Coming Rapture: Getting Ahead When You’re Left Behind, will join us to instruct those listeners who will certainly be left behind (Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, less ardent Protestants, and many more) on how to exploit the inevitable demise of the world in order to make a tidy profit, for as the authors say:
“Sure, the rivers and seas will run with blood, locusts will swarm, mountains will move all over the place, and famine will strike. But for the five billion of us left behind, the post-Rapture world will be a time of even more unique investment opportunities.”

All that plus, plus Vinny sits on his Big Leather Couch to chat live with the listeners, Shawn Amos returns with another GetBack.com Pop Quiz, Justin the Weatherman may come back, and we’ll take your calls at 646-652-4804.

Join us live every Tuesday night at 9PM ET. The Radio Happy Hour Lounge-a live, interactive chat room during show time! It’s the show within the show!

28 Of Your Sparks

  1. katherine. Says:
  2. where did you get that list of left behinds?

    the photos are a riot... fortunately for nancy, you light up her life....


  3. Schmoop Says:
  4. Ha. Great crime scene pictures Vin. Hell, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, and others have been making millions on the Rapture for years. Cheers!!

  5. Anndi Says:
  6. Editors note: Brake???

    You had some eggnog before taking those pictures... didn't you?

  7. KATHERINE: That is their list, not mine...glad I made you laugh

    MATT-MAN: hehe thanks...and hell yeah, just two more Rapture Brokers

    ANNDI: Dad got to me first...fixed now...I will never admit to the eggnog...

  8. You and the those lights look like you're having just a tad bit too much fun.

  9. SONGBIRD: That is between the lights and I

  10. Liz Hill Says:
  11. LOLOL That will be me tonight--yeah I was a slacker yesterday--I didn't get home until after 6 and by the time we got the dogs out and got supper I was ready for snuggle time and some reading.

  12. Dianne Says:
  13. love that you did the sexy reading meme, my list of books is getting huge

    and the lights!! fantastic series on the trials and tribulations of Christmas decor

    my son always announces that is time for us to have the "annual tree decorating argument"

    we've been doing it with gusto for years! ;)

  14. Jay Says:
  15. Love me some Springsteen!

    And "Death by Christmas Lights" would be a good mystery novel. haha

  16. Travis Cody Says:
  17. HA! The attack of the light brigade!

    No recap yet...I just haven't had time to put the post together. Maybe I'll get it organized this weekend.

  18. TURNBABY: You slacker you! LOL

    DIANNE: Lights can make you crazy...now I have to start untangling!

    JAY: The new one is great...check it out...OOOO a mystery novel!

    TRAVIS: We are waiting patiently, but know this week is crazed.

  19. Mimi Lenox Says:
  20. Vinny.....Vinny?...Get up!

    I'm going to check out Melissa Cross. What a job she has. And to think I could have done this with my degree. Might have been more exciting...sigh.

    Did you hear me under all those light bulbs?

  21. Ken Says:
  22. Great photo shoot.
    Maybe I will....fight the lights this year.

  23. MIMI: what? what? is someone talking to me?

    MICKEY-T: Be afraid of the lights...be very afraid!

  24. DrillerAA Says:
  25. I know just how you feel with those Christmas lights. However, I did get them sorted out and installed. They are also the subject of my Ruby Tuesday.

  26. Anonymous Says:
  27. I recognize that part of Protect & Defend even though I read it a year and a half ago. Garrett was on his yacht and had just got up in the middle of the night to pee only to find Mitch Rapp waiting for him. NICE!!! hahahaha

  28. Anonymous Says:
  29. On the wall in the background of the first photo there is a framed picture of what looks like you as a short order cook. Whats the story behind that?

  30. Tug Says:
  31. Glad to see you won the battle of the lights & are here to answer comments... ;-)

    I need to check out the Springsteen, thanks!

  32. DRILLERAA: They will NOT win the battle

    DOC: exactamundo my friend...and as to the picture...I will respond in the post tomorrow (I was wondering if anyone would ask that!)

    TUG: barely...but I made it!

  33. Unknown Says:
  34. He's dead, Jim. Killed by the Christmas lights.

  35. Fred Says:
  36. The picture of you before you "died" is priceless. We've settled on the lights that can be thrown like nets over the bushes and shrubs. They are sooo easy.

    The tree goes up later this month so D1 can help when she gets home from FSU.

  37. Bud Fisher Says:
  38. Long live the Boss...

  39. Julie Says:
  40. Oh Vinny...you crack me up! You and a silly little strand of lights! HAH!

    Good job on the sexy bookworm meme! Thanks!

  41. You are such a ham :P

  42. Patti Says:
  43. Those photos of you and the lights are too funny. Fred called one of them priceless, and I think all of them are!

    I guess we never have to tell you to "lighten up"

    tee hee

    thanks for the giggles

  44. Dana Says:
  45. I know I'm running late, but I couldn't let those wonderful light pictures go without mention. I might have to steal that idea for the Christmas themed HNT!

  46. DANA: bwahahahaah

    BUD: agreed

    JULIE: That was my desire...so I succeeded! Thanks on the meme

    STARR: This is something new?

    PATTI: Never ever lighten up

    DANA: Better late then never...be my guest

  47. RW Says:
  48. Ha! Awesomely good laugh at those photos Vin!


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