Holiday recap...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Monday, December 01, 2008

Man, can not believe I am saying this, but...Welcome to December!

Did you have a great Thanksgiving? I sure did. It was a fantastic four days that was only marred by Matt having to leave on Sunday.

When he arrived on Wednesday evening, we went to downtown Memphis and hit Beale Street, deciding on B.B. Kings for dinner. While eating a nice meal and having a few drinks, we got to hear a decent local band. They were not great, but the guitar player had some talent.

Thursday morning came early - 4:30 am to be exact - as I had to put "Fred" (our turkey) into the oven. He had already had sage butter inserted below the skin and in the cavity along with a cornbread-caramelized onion stuffing. He also was basted with a diluted honey sauce during his roasting.

I had let Matt sleep upstairs so as not to disturb him, so i fell back onto the couch and set the timer for 1 hour to baste again. Finally, at around 7:00am, I was up and began assembling the Manicotti (I had made the crepes on Wednesday).

Matt and I headed over to Nancy's at about 11.

Truth be told, the initial meeting of Nancy and the boys was a little cool (uncomfortable - take your choice) but pretty quickly things began to smooth out.

When Nancy's family showed up it got easier actually...and Matt was conversing with a niece and her husband who are a few years older and I think the boys began to see Matt as just a regular guy and it made it easier.

Dinner was great...everyone was stuffed and most took home some leftovers.

Matt, Peter and Ernie then went out for some front yard football with some other kids from the neighborhood.

Friday, Matt and I headed down to Tunica and hit Harrahs for a little father/son blackjack fun. We spent about 4 hours there and both walked away winners.

Then back to the apartment where we watched Dark Knight. I had never seen it, and it really was pretty good. Maybe a tad long, but not that bad.

Our planned day with Nancy and the Boys on Friday fell apart as their dad had planned a hunting trip for them at the last minute, so Matt and I hung out and talked and chilled until we picked Nancy up for dinner.

We again headed downtown and checked out the new (open 6 months) Morgan Freeman Restaurant/Club Ground Zero.

Food was fantastic - and filling - and the band Blues Highway were fantastic! The lead singer/harp player had it going on and the guitarist could make it smoke. The drummer was very basic and that hurt them some.

Sunday was a lazy day until I had to bring Matt to the airport. The moment I left him, my heart hurt and the tears flowed...he is a man and a pretty fine one at that. Watching him interact with strangers in a tough situation (meeting his dad's girlfriend for the first time...seeing me with someone other than his mom for the first time), he made me so proud.

We did get a few pictures on Thursday - there is one of Matt and I that I am not sharing now, as it is going to become our Christmas Card.

Matt & I
YES! That is an apron...sheesh
Why do I try and put my arm around his shoulder, I am too small!

My Sweet Nancy and I

A group shot with Peter and Ernie, Nancy, me and Matt.
Peter was not wanting his picture taken...
Can you tell?

If you have not figured it out yet, I did not have time to do reviews on new artists, so we will by-pass that this week and be back next Monday with more new music.

Last week, the one one of the three artists featured was given kudos, and after reading the comments about Citizens Of Contrary Knowledge (how the he** did I miss that acronym???) I have decided that our friend Dana from Dana's Random Blatherings is going to receive the CD.

Dana...I just need your snail mail address.

Hey folks, I have music to give away...let your friends know to stop by on Monday's and check out our new feature...everyone likes to hear new music...don't they?

Closed my eyes...scrolled down the iTunes list...clicked without looking..

America "She's beside You"...


25 Of Your Sparks

  1. katherine. Says:
  2. blending families is a bit different from blending "gravy"....


    a great looking group. glad you had a great weekend.

  3. Schmoop Says:
  4. Good to hear you had a good time, Vinny. welcome to December. Cheers!!

  5. Bud Fisher Says:
  6. Sounds like a terrific holiday weekend! Glad to hear it...

  7. DrillerAA Says:
  8. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving day. We had 28 at our house, nearly the entire family.
    Did you introduce Matt to Uncle Lou's Chicken?

  9. Kudos to Matt on making good on an uncomfortable situation. Must have been raised by good people. *grin*

    Glad your holiday was fun and relaxing.

  10. Jay Says:
  11. Good times! Glad you had a great holiday dude.

  12. Hey, Vinny, I'm glad your Thanksgiving did go well! That turkey sounds like it was delicious! Your boy, Matt, is a great kid but look who his father is... :) Sorry it took me so long to get around to saying HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :)

  13. Travis Cody Says:
  14. I do recall the awkwardness of that situation. Glad to hear it worked out in the end.

    Happy December!

  15. Mimi Lenox Says:
  16. I can't believe you named the turkey. Just sayin.....

  17. Mimi Lenox Says:
  18. OK. I'm over the turkey now.
    The pictures are beautiful and the two of you are beaming. I'm going to get a kleenex now...

  19. leelee Says:
  20. how grand...looks like all in all it was a great holiday! I'm glad for you.

    How old is Matt? He is quite a man.

    You can still head over to my place and listen to Alice's Restaurant...for old time sake.


  21. Ken Says:
  22. Glad you had a good holiday and yes, you look a little awkward there with your arm around Matt, but......the proud, shows way more than the awkward.
    Happy December, another one flying by ehh?

  23. KATHERINE: I have learned that lesson!

    MATT: Hoping you did also Sir

    BUD: Hope yours was great also

    DRILLERAA: We planned on it, but it did not occur...too much poultry - LOL

  24. SONGBIRD: and as soon as I find those people I will thank them!

    JAY: Glad you made it home.

    TEACH: Mary...thanks for the kind words.

    TRAVIS: Would be easier if he were closer

    MIMI: WHAT????you don't name your food?

    LEELEE: Matt is 21 - 22 in April...AH Alice's of my faves

    MICKEY: LOL yup yup

  25. Ralph Says:
  26. We had the usual six for Thanksgiving, including both college kids. Only a 12 pound bird, but the yield was six for dinner, four for dinner again, turkey quesadillas on corn tortillas, and a simmering deliciously aromatic soup on the stove now. American Cabernet was served. A fine day, and I am very thankful for the life we have. A great day, and nice weekend...

  27. Tug Says:
  28. OMG with the food numminess - I think I'm drooling!

    The initial uncomfortableness sounds like a compliment to you...they're all a little 'protective' (?not sure that's the right word, but it's what I have?) of you and your attention...I think it's sweet & glad that all turned out well.

    Happy December Vinny!

  29. Julie Says:
  30. Dana won? Wooohooooo!!! I have her snail mail address. But it will cost ya!


    I'm glad the first meetings worked out okay...i understand the stress involved in stuff like that.

  31. Fred Says:
  32. Sounds like a great holiday. Glad the boys got to meet and that it warmed up. Pics are great!

    And Fred, I hope he was everything you wanted him to be. Bacon and all.

  33. Maggie Moo Says:
  34. I am so happy to hear that everything went well and that you enjoyed your time with Matt (as if I thought otherwise). I remember the feeling that washes over you when someone close to you leaves to go home-I don't envy that sadness, but I'm glad you got to see him.

  35. Dana Says:
  36. Welcome to the wonderful world of blending families - where it doesn't get any easier just because they are grown!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday Vinny!!

  37. RALPH: That is just wonderful...leftovers are the best.

    TUG: Wow...that never crossed my mind...thank you.

    JULIE: That is if she EVER shows up no dear...she must provide it...them da rules. I know you must...and thanks

    FRED: The friend...not the turkey! You also had a great one...and he gave his life for a good cause.

    MAGS: Thank you ... it is not a feeling that I wish on anyone.

    DANA: Not easy ...nope...and tougher because Matt is not here full-time ... so there is no real chance for a bonding.
    I did and thanks!

  38. Liz Hill Says:
  39. Yeah we had a couple of 'lumps' in the blended family gravy on Thursday as well*wry grin* But it's to be expected and will be fine.

    I'm so glad you got to cook and had a good time with Matt. Those are some awesome shots.


  40. Unknown Says:
  41. Aw, sounds like the situation was awkward but you handled it like a pro.


    I won? I WON! WOO! I WON!

  42. Glad to hear it was a good one =) Mine was too. Mostly. Ish.

  43. e c f e s w Says:
  44. i am so excited that you got to spend thanksgiving with Matt~and glad to hear about ground zero opening~~morgan opened a ground zero in clarksville ms while i lived there

    nicest movie star i ever meet! then his business partner was ex's divorce lawyer and he made me wait twice as long as we were married before he would finalize the divorce~~but then, greg had to pay his attorney over 10,000~~me 2,000 so on second thought maybe morgan's business partner isn't so bad~~last i heard of greg...he's now been divorced 4 more times~~well actually 5 times, 2 divorces from his secretary who he started dating while we were married and i was at home with his freaking kids!

    it's so good catching up with you~~i MAy be going to memphis w/FB for new years~~if so, and i get lucky, want me to drop off a package?
    let me know if you DONT LOL

    i'm going to try to get in touch with clarendon a little later today


Music On The Couch