Wednesday Music...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Did Ty's hips fail him as he Rumba'ed?
Could Giles parlez vouz Foxtrot??
Was Melissa's ready to Samba?
Did Shawn vault over the competition???
Find out from TRAVIS of "Trav's Thoughts",
He'll have the full DANCING WITH THE STARS rundown...

OK, so my trip and the fact that Nancy had to travel down to the coast yesterday has caused a flurry of activity today and I decided to jsut throw some tuneage at y'll...

I am hopeful to have some time to do posts on Thursday and Friday. With this weekend baseball tournament, I am not sure about Monday's New Music...but I am trying...

HECK-A-DOODLE...come on folks, let up on me...why are you hassling me like that..


OH, that was the voices in my brain..not you.


Here is a 4-tune shuffle...enjoy...

16 Of Your Sparks

  1. Sanni Says:
  2. So you say I'm not the only one with voices in my head??? *g*


    Vinny, the moving crew is here to help me get out of this "House from Hell" today. Sadly there will be no internet in the new home for a few weeks. I'll promise pop in and say "Hi" as soon as possible. I will miss you sooooo badly. Take care!

  3. Schmoop Says:
  4. I refused to cue the music when I saw Taylor Hicks' name appear in the labels. Cheers Vinny!!

  5. Branford Marsalis ... outstanding. Now I need to go dig out one of his CD's and listen to it today.

  6. Fred Says:
  7. Thanks to the swine flu, I have plenty of time to blog. Hope you're not too busy.

  8. ...nice mix, sir...loooooooooves me some saxophone....

  9. Coco Says:
  10. *gets up and dances around the room with the B-man to the wonderful tunes*

    You made a great afternoon perfect with the music, Vinny - thank you!

    *smooches* Just chill - it's not like we won't all wait for your posts, right?

    *sends a hug to Nancy and the boys, too*

    And a quick note from the B-man:

    I like the last one. It is good.

  11. I was wondering when the voices would return...

  12. Dianne Says:
  13. do the voices in your head also say heck-a-doodle? cause that would be awesome ;)

  14. SANNI: My voices were here first! Good luck with the move

    MATT-MAN: Your loss

    SOUTHERN: I do enjoy the man

    FRED: oh no!!!!LOL

    PHFRANKIE: Thanks...

    COCO: I am thrilled I could give two special people some enjoyment...B-Man, you have great taste!

    SONGBIRD: They never left!

    DIANNE: Of course they do!

  15. OBLadyBug Says:
  16. Coco - thanks for the hugs. On the road but am at last enjoying a cocktail.

    Truly enjoyed your selection in tunes today my love. Be safe on your travels.

  17. Mimi Lenox Says:
  18. Vinny - Relax. Take a deep breath. Enjoy the wine of love.....

  19. Fred Says:
  20. Well, a student's swine flu, to clarify. We go back to work tomorrow after three days off.

  21. Travis Cody Says:
  22. That's one of my favorite AI performances from Taylor. I never was able to get any of his stuff from the show.

    Terrific tunage there Sir.

  23. That Bonnie Raitt Song is one of my all time favorites evah. Or I should say her cover is =)

  24. katherine. Says:
  25. your voices are purple?

    hmmmm.....mine are orange.

    (hey....let me know if The Tour heads your way...cause I'll have to change my flight from SLC to

  26. Bud Fisher Says:
  27. You've gone to the Dark Side, Master Bond...


Music On The Couch