Remember to get over and visit TRAVIS of "Trav's Thoughts",
and get your full DANCING WITH THE STARS rundown...

LIVE BROADCAST: May 5, 2009 @ 9 PM ET

Immediately following the live broadcast
Become a Radio Happy Hour subscriber

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This week on Dr. Blogstein’s
Radio Happy Hour:
The Radio Happy Hour’s three week Star Trek event continues!

This week, Adam Nimoy, the “spawn of Spock”, son of Leonard Nimoy, joins us for the entire show as a very special guest cohost.
The younger Nimoy is the author of My Incredibly Wonderful, Miserable Life, which he calls “an anti-memoir.” In it, he recounts his life’s journey to stop resenting and blaming his dad. A process that includes drug and alcohol abuse, therapy, divorce and several career changes.

English heartthrob Greg Ellis–left, with Chris Pine (Kirk) and John Cho (Sulu)–stars in J.J. Abrams’s highly anticipated Star Trek as “Chief Engineer Olsen,” the first Chief Engineer of the Enterprise.
Also, actor Antonio Elias who plays Officer Pitts in the film.
Star Trek will blast into theaters May 8th, 2009.

Jeff Dye is a stand-up comedian and a third place finisher on the most recent and final season of NBC’s Last Comic Standing.
and get your full DANCING WITH THE STARS rundown...
All you need to do is click on the graphic to get to the rest of the RUBY TUESDAY posts...
So, I am sitting here, scanning through my photos looking for a RUBY TUESDAY post, when I look up and see the following sitting on the small shelf near my computer.
So, I am sitting here, scanning through my photos looking for a RUBY TUESDAY post, when I look up and see the following sitting on the small shelf near my computer.
I have had this kit for some 20 years. I have replaced the cleaning pad twice, but other than that, this was one of the best items I ever bought for my music.
The company that began making the DiscWasher System was called Innovative amaker of audio and AV accessories went out of business in 1991 with the trademarks and some product lines being sold to Recoton later that same year.
Since that time RCA has purchased the rights to market this product and from what I have been told, they pretty much ruined it.
The main product is a pad on a wooden base. You add a little of the cleaning fluid to the front edge of the pad and then, as the record turns on your turntable, you slowly roll the pad around. The liquid and the fibers in the pad suck up all the dust and grime that has accumulated in the grooves of your vinyl.
From what I understand the new pad is corduroy in nature and just does not clean the grooves as the old one did.
Luckily for me, when I began digitizing my vinyl, I had my old cleaning pad. I also found a second pad (I always buy cool things in twos).
I did have to buy some more of the cleaning fluid. Not sure exactly what is in it, but it works just as well as the old fluid, so I am happy.
When my good buddy TRAVIS of “Trav’s Thoughts” told me he was going to start doing his vinyl when he finished his cassettes, I offered to send him my second cleaning pad. The offer is still open bud…
The gun looking thingy is a anti-static generator. Each Zerostat unit has a "two cycle" type of operation. When the trigger is squeezed, positive ions are generated and when the trigger is relaxed, negative ions flow. This means that it is possible to induce a charge on a neutral surface using the Zerostat. If the trigger is squeezed, and the Zerostat is removed from the surface before allowing the trigger to return to its original position, a positive charge will be induced. Similarly, pointing the Zerostat at the surface only for the release of the trigger will induce a negative charge.
Originally developed for removing dust from "vinyl" and before that, normal "phonograph records". In later years the Zerostat antistatic gun was discovered to have great applicability for use in a photographic darkroom to remove dust from film and negatives. After that, a wider range of applications came into being when people running SEM labs found out that it was also ideal for eliminating dust from critical samples or other critical surfaces when the dust attraction was being caused by electrostatic charge. Others have reported that certain insulating specimens, when treated this way, can actually be viewed (admittedly briefly) by SEM without the need to apply further coating.
Pretty cool that something developed to work on vinyl now has so many other applications.
Any-hoodle, if you own vinyl and are trying to use it or digitize it, I recommend you find a DiscWasher. Again, do not buy the new ones being made by RCA. Check out E-bay and see if you can get the original.
The company that began making the DiscWasher System was called Innovative amaker of audio and AV accessories went out of business in 1991 with the trademarks and some product lines being sold to Recoton later that same year.
Since that time RCA has purchased the rights to market this product and from what I have been told, they pretty much ruined it.
The main product is a pad on a wooden base. You add a little of the cleaning fluid to the front edge of the pad and then, as the record turns on your turntable, you slowly roll the pad around. The liquid and the fibers in the pad suck up all the dust and grime that has accumulated in the grooves of your vinyl.
From what I understand the new pad is corduroy in nature and just does not clean the grooves as the old one did.
Luckily for me, when I began digitizing my vinyl, I had my old cleaning pad. I also found a second pad (I always buy cool things in twos).
I did have to buy some more of the cleaning fluid. Not sure exactly what is in it, but it works just as well as the old fluid, so I am happy.
When my good buddy TRAVIS of “Trav’s Thoughts” told me he was going to start doing his vinyl when he finished his cassettes, I offered to send him my second cleaning pad. The offer is still open bud…
The gun looking thingy is a anti-static generator. Each Zerostat unit has a "two cycle" type of operation. When the trigger is squeezed, positive ions are generated and when the trigger is relaxed, negative ions flow. This means that it is possible to induce a charge on a neutral surface using the Zerostat. If the trigger is squeezed, and the Zerostat is removed from the surface before allowing the trigger to return to its original position, a positive charge will be induced. Similarly, pointing the Zerostat at the surface only for the release of the trigger will induce a negative charge.
Originally developed for removing dust from "vinyl" and before that, normal "phonograph records". In later years the Zerostat antistatic gun was discovered to have great applicability for use in a photographic darkroom to remove dust from film and negatives. After that, a wider range of applications came into being when people running SEM labs found out that it was also ideal for eliminating dust from critical samples or other critical surfaces when the dust attraction was being caused by electrostatic charge. Others have reported that certain insulating specimens, when treated this way, can actually be viewed (admittedly briefly) by SEM without the need to apply further coating.
Pretty cool that something developed to work on vinyl now has so many other applications.
Any-hoodle, if you own vinyl and are trying to use it or digitize it, I recommend you find a DiscWasher. Again, do not buy the new ones being made by RCA. Check out E-bay and see if you can get the original.

So, as y'all know, I bought the and www.mangiay' domain names.
If you have not visited Mangia Y'all, I hope you decide to mosey on over there at some point. I am posting some recipes and tricks and stuff and the recipes are not difficult.
Well, last night I purchased another domain. Not sure I will ever do anything with it, but felt I needed to lock it up.
So, want to see the new domain? Can you guess what it is???
Well, check it out HERE.
If for some reason it has not activated yet, you can also find out what it is HERE.
Now, to start thinking of some things to sell for that website! hehehehe
If you have not visited Mangia Y'all, I hope you decide to mosey on over there at some point. I am posting some recipes and tricks and stuff and the recipes are not difficult.
Well, last night I purchased another domain. Not sure I will ever do anything with it, but felt I needed to lock it up.
So, want to see the new domain? Can you guess what it is???
Well, check it out HERE.
If for some reason it has not activated yet, you can also find out what it is HERE.
Now, to start thinking of some things to sell for that website! hehehehe

LIVE BROADCAST: May 5, 2009 @ 9 PM ET

Immediately following the live broadcast
Become a Radio Happy Hour subscriber

for free !
This week on Dr. Blogstein’s
Radio Happy Hour:
The Radio Happy Hour’s three week Star Trek event continues!

This week, Adam Nimoy, the “spawn of Spock”, son of Leonard Nimoy, joins us for the entire show as a very special guest cohost.
The younger Nimoy is the author of My Incredibly Wonderful, Miserable Life, which he calls “an anti-memoir.” In it, he recounts his life’s journey to stop resenting and blaming his dad. A process that includes drug and alcohol abuse, therapy, divorce and several career changes.

English heartthrob Greg Ellis–left, with Chris Pine (Kirk) and John Cho (Sulu)–stars in J.J. Abrams’s highly anticipated Star Trek as “Chief Engineer Olsen,” the first Chief Engineer of the Enterprise.
Also, actor Antonio Elias who plays Officer Pitts in the film.
Star Trek will blast into theaters May 8th, 2009.

Jeff Dye is a stand-up comedian and a third place finisher on the most recent and final season of NBC’s Last Comic Standing.
All that, plus:
- A bag of chips
- Dangerous Lee co-hosts
- Vinny Bond sits on his Big Leather Couch to chat live with the listeners
- Justin the Mouthinator treats us to his infinite wisdom
- and we’ll take your calls at 646-652-4804
You "polish your vinyl" often, dontcha? Cheers Vinny!!
Nice Ruby Tuesday shot. My vinyl collection has long since been sold off, with one exception. I still have the Paul Stucky album with The Wedding Song on it. That song was performed at virulently every wedding of the 70's, including ours. I know I should have kept the learly Led Zeplin, Carlos Santana, Steppenwolf, Black Sabbath, and Blood, Sweat & Tears stuff, right? But, for the most part I can get what I want already remastered. Have a great day.
Ahhhhhhhhh. D4. In the 80s I owned video stores. Along with renting movies, we rented LPs until it was rule illegal some four or five years in. One of the companies sent me a case of D4. The DJs of WTIT laughed at how much they gave me. They were right. I still have some. But I transfered my final 5 or 6 years ago. In our photo blog, a lot of DJs over the years used to hold a D4 in their picture as a joke to the quanity I had...
I might still have some D4 somewhere--I know I had that exact cleaner.
And the new website is tongue in cheek, yes?
MATT-MAN: Not as often as you do Sir
DRILLERAA: Ah...yes, you can get it in CD, but vinyl is so warm and cozy
BUD: A case of D-4 huh?
TURNBABY: Tongue in cheek? HECK-A-DOODLE NO!
so what you're saying is rubbing the album with my sleeve isn't a good thing?
DIANNE: See, you understood totally
I have that cleaner! Don't have the vinyl anymore :( but for some reason, I hung on to the paraphenalia that went with it ...
COCO: Soon, you will have more CDs also!'re like the Alton Brown of vinyl!...
PHFRANKIE: See, now you get it...LOL
*smooches my dear friend*
*smooches my dear friend*
COCO: ah shucks...
What's this vinyl you guys keep talking about? ;-)
Bond the internet squatter. Who would have figured? I own all the names for my family. If the kids ever get famous, they're set!
JAY: dude, you are NOT that young...OK....
I had one of those cleaning kits. From 1980 on I had probably the cleanest discs in East Hartford, with minimal scratching - wonderful fidelity. One day I'll have that USB turntable, and many of these old discs will digitize nicely.
In those days, I had one of those cassette deck demagnetizing cassette.
With digital, we don't have the intimacy of protecting our sound storage devices like we had back then...feeling old and nostalgic at the same time :>)
I'm wondering how many people know what an SEM is *raises hand*
Love the new place. Wonder where it will take you!
I haven't forgotten the offer. I just haven't gotten that far in my project yet!
Great Ruby T photo Vin! Hope the show rocked!
The thought of digitizing all of our vinyl gives me a headache - we have so many albums!
I need to start looking for that vinyl cleaner. I've been transfering my vinyl to my computer and Ipod over the last year and some of those vinyl albums are pretty dusty when I pull them out of the sleeve. It's been a long time since I listened to some of them.