Holiday card list this year,
please include the following:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001


A weekend in the making...and two weeks to edit and get it formatted so that youtube liked it...
It all began one Sunday as we made gravy and meatballs and sausage and we were sending out emails to our little TOOSP (Taylor's Original Official Soul Patrol) group, describing what we were doing.
Our sweet friend Anndi, being the instigator that she can be sometimes (LOL...sometimes...OK! you know we love ya!), challenged us to film it...then our dear friend Julie (who is in Italy with Sara), chimed in with her challenges...
We took the challenge and the following Saturday we sat and thought and decided we would go all out and make another whole pot of gravy and some lasagna...
The the Queen of TOOSP, Dana, did one of her stories wherein yours truly went against a Mr. Taylor Hicks in an "Iron Chef" competition...long story short, we won because Taylor spent all his time flirting with the ladies.... (Sheesh, why didn't we think of that!)
What you have below are three videos that comprise two days of cooking. Day One was to make the gravy - normally we would make meatballs and sausage, but for this we just put all the ground ingredients directly into the gravy to cook.
Day Two was the making of the lasagna...
A couple of caveats...
- we were alone and did not have someone to work the camera, so most shots are static...
- the lighting in our kitchen is not the best...
- we are using the editing program for the first time, so some edits may be a tad rough...
Not the entertainment value of Matt-Man singing or the wonderful skills of Desert Songbird singing...but this is all we got, we know music and sports and can cook...
Hope you enjoy it...

Wanted to leave you with some music for the weekend.
She released her first album, Better Days in 1995. The song "Gonna Write Him A Letter" comes from that album.
In 1998, Ms. Tedeschi broke through with the album, Just Won't Burn. This is a version of the title track recorded when Ms. Tedeschi joined the DEREK TRUCKS BAND on stage. This happens often as Ms. Tedeschi, when not out on her own tours, will open for the DTB and join them on stage singing backup at times - Derek Trucks is her husband.
After a live album, Ms. Tedeschi released Wait For Me, her third studio album. "Wrapped In The Arms Of Another" comes from that collection.
For her fourth studio album, Hope & Desire, Ms. Tedeschi decided to do an album of covers. It arose out of circumstance, but she quickly embraced the creative challenge of tackling outside material.
As she states on her website: "I had just written some new songs with my band," she explains, "but with the birth of my daughter, Sophia, most of them weren't really finished yet, so I didn't feel like we were ready to make that record yet. I’ve wanted to record some old tunes by other artists that I admire for a while and it seemed like the right time."
We selected the song "Tired Of My Tears", a Ray Charles song composed by Jimmy Holiday and Jimmy Lewis.
This is Susan Tedeschi.
Ms. Tedeschi is a great songwriter, a terrific musician (that's her playing the guitar) and she has a strong expressive voice.She released her first album, Better Days in 1995. The song "Gonna Write Him A Letter" comes from that album.
* Susan Tedeschi – guitar, rhythm guitar, vocals
* Adrienne Hayes – guitar, rhythm guitar, slide guitar
* Jim Lamond – bass
* Annie Raines – harmonica
* Adrienne Hayes – guitar, rhythm guitar, slide guitar
* Jim Lamond – bass
* Annie Raines – harmonica
In 1998, Ms. Tedeschi broke through with the album, Just Won't Burn. This is a version of the title track recorded when Ms. Tedeschi joined the DEREK TRUCKS BAND on stage. This happens often as Ms. Tedeschi, when not out on her own tours, will open for the DTB and join them on stage singing backup at times - Derek Trucks is her husband.
After a live album, Ms. Tedeschi released Wait For Me, her third studio album. "Wrapped In The Arms Of Another" comes from that collection.
* Susan Tedeschi - guitar, electric guitar, rhythm guitar, vocals, soloist
* Paul Ahlstrand - tenor saxophone
* Scott Aruda - trumpet
* Tino Barker - tenor saxophone
* Kevin Barry - acoustic guitar, soloist
* Gordon Beadle - baritone saxophone
* Joe Bonadio - drums
* Kofi Burbridge - organ, piano
* Dean Cassell - bass
* Jason Crosby - organ, piano, violin, keyboards
* Drew Glackin - bass
* Col. Bruce Hampton
* Johnnie Johnson - piano
* Dave Mattacks - drums
* David McNair - bass, rhythm guitar
* Ron Perry - bass
* Annie Raines - harmonica
* Milt Reder - electric guitar
* Paul Rishell - guitar
* Yonrico Scott - percussion, drums
* Noah Simon - mellotron
* Jeff Sipe - drums
* Todd Smallie - bass
* Derek Trucks - guitar
* Tom West - organ
* Paul Ahlstrand - tenor saxophone
* Scott Aruda - trumpet
* Tino Barker - tenor saxophone
* Kevin Barry - acoustic guitar, soloist
* Gordon Beadle - baritone saxophone
* Joe Bonadio - drums
* Kofi Burbridge - organ, piano
* Dean Cassell - bass
* Jason Crosby - organ, piano, violin, keyboards
* Drew Glackin - bass
* Col. Bruce Hampton
* Johnnie Johnson - piano
* Dave Mattacks - drums
* David McNair - bass, rhythm guitar
* Ron Perry - bass
* Annie Raines - harmonica
* Milt Reder - electric guitar
* Paul Rishell - guitar
* Yonrico Scott - percussion, drums
* Noah Simon - mellotron
* Jeff Sipe - drums
* Todd Smallie - bass
* Derek Trucks - guitar
* Tom West - organ
For her fourth studio album, Hope & Desire, Ms. Tedeschi decided to do an album of covers. It arose out of circumstance, but she quickly embraced the creative challenge of tackling outside material.
As she states on her website: "I had just written some new songs with my band," she explains, "but with the birth of my daughter, Sophia, most of them weren't really finished yet, so I didn't feel like we were ready to make that record yet. I’ve wanted to record some old tunes by other artists that I admire for a while and it seemed like the right time."
We selected the song "Tired Of My Tears", a Ray Charles song composed by Jimmy Holiday and Jimmy Lewis.
* Susan Tedeschi - Vocals & Guitar
* Doyle Bramhall II - Guitar
* Paul Bryan - Bass Guitar
* Jay Bellerose - Drums
* Jebin Bruni- Keyboards
* David Palmer - Keyboards
*Derek Trucks - Guitar
* Doyle Bramhall II - Guitar
* Paul Bryan - Bass Guitar
* Jay Bellerose - Drums
* Jebin Bruni- Keyboards
* David Palmer - Keyboards
*Derek Trucks - Guitar
Wow...and here, all this time, I pull that Italian sausage apart with my bare hands, into itsy-bitsy pieces!
GREAT videos! Love the "silver fox" hair - you are amazing!
Dang it! I have to come back - damn kids still up and interrupting me.
I just saw your blog and thought you might be interested in what I found on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center website- I checked this out a couple days ago:
"Walter Reed Army Medical Center officials want to remind those individuals who want to show their appreciation through mail to include packages, letters, and holiday cards addressed to 'Any Wounded Soldier' or 'A Recovering American Soldier' that Walter Reed cannot accept these packages in support of the decision by then Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Transportation Policy in 2001. This decision was made to ensure the safety and well being of patients and staff at medical centers throughout the Department of Defense.
In addition, the U.S. Postal Service is no longer accepting "Any Service Member" or "A Recovering American Soldier" letters or packages. Mail to "Any Service Member" that is deposited into a collection box will not be delivered.
Instead of sending an “Any Wounded Soldier” letter or package to Walter Reed, please consider making a donation to one of the more than 300 nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families listed on the "America Supports You" website, www.americasupportsyou.mil"
TIGGER: Ah shucks ty...glad you enjoyed
SONGBIRD: Hurry back
ANON: TY for that, I di go check and saw the note you mentioned on their site. When I was there a couple of weeks ago after receiving that in an email, I did not notice that note...
Mangia Vinny!! Nice job and I didnt have the urge to throw something at my screen like I do when watching Rachel Ray. Cheers!!
Hey that looks good Vin! I just got threw part one but unfortunately have to go to work ( I hate work) But will return to check it out...looks delicious.
MATT-MAN: well I feel much better now, since I did notice I said 'yummo' once LOL
ROGER: Come back later dude...enjoy work...
Num.mers. I think that next month when I'll actually have a weekend at home, I'm making lasagna. NUMMY.
And I also want to check out Susan Tedeschi when I'm not at work...Thanks!
Have a wonderful weekend. ;-)
*sniff* Can't see the videos here at work and am working all weekend. They'll have to wait until Monday. :(
But thank you for posting, and the tunes are great. Another artist to add to my collection.
Can't see the vids at work. Will try and watch from our slow ass computer at home this weekend!
Now I'm craving lasagna. I've never actually made it from scratch before...it looks like too much work! LOL
It's interesting to put a voice to a face. I have no idea why I was expecting you to have a southern accent. LOL
TUG: I have a freezer stocked now...all vacuum sealed so it will stay nice and fresh..Enjoy your weekend my friend
ANGELL: Sorry bout that my friend...when you get to sit..hope you enjoy...I truly Love Ms. Tedeschi
DIXIE: So HAPPY for you dear SugarBaby...
TWYLA: It is worth the work though....ah, the boy from Memphis with the NY accent! LOL
How does it ship? Would it stay frozen? ;-)
Trying to catch up today, darlin'... come make me some lasagne!!
Trying to catch up today, darlin'... come make me some lasagne!!
I skipped the food part, I'm so hungry today :(
I will check out Susan T for sure. Great pic for Veteran's Day.
Hugs !
TUG: It ships via Vin-Ex...LOL Would have to send for me and the lasagna and the cooler with dry ice...
108: Glad to see you Ms. Kyra...miss your smiling face - Come eat some in Memphis!
BARBARA: Sorry my friend...I know you are working the weight-loss thing...nice to see you back on The Couch...Think you will like Susan...HUG to you
Can't see vids on the Mac and my laptop froze up when I tried this morning. Sigh--will have to grab the DH's laptop for a bit.
i LOVE Susan Tedeschi!!
It's gonna take me a while...
I've seen you on tape in your television days remember!
Oh, and um.... who's the video monster now eh?
It's gonna take me a while...
I've seen you on tape in your television days remember!
Oh, and um.... who's the video monster now eh?
Oh my! That looks like it would do a number on my figure, but it looks soooo delicious. Yummy goodness indeed!
Um, I was kidding before about you not being good "man of my dreams" material. Will you adopt the puppy? LOL :P
WELL...There was a limo outside of Wal-Mart (yes, you read that right) tonight I could have 'borrowed'...dang. Missed my chance!
I can't believe you did it! I'm watching it now...and you're not wearing an apron :P
WOOOOOOOOOOO!! I heard my newest discovery.. The Alternate Routes and oh man that guitar line...
Oh yeah, the lasagna looks good ;P
LMOO @ Dana!
Excellent video.
I also enjoyed the soundtrack you had going in the background!
Finally I got the chance to come back and fully enjoy your videos.
First of all, I saw you getting into your musical soundtrack there during War's "Low Rider." Had to catch yourself there, didn't you? (grin)
Secondly, I gotta say, I had no idea how...um...ahem..arousing it could be to watch a man cook.
Oh, I forgot to say, can you hand deliver some of that lasagna to me down here? Pretty please?
Forget about the lasagna, being the fashion police that I am the only question I have is how many times did you change your ensemble for this video shoot? Who did you make-up? It looks fab. Hair. Awesome. Music is yummy!!
Now, what were you cooking again?
TURN: Weird as it was made on a MAC...hope you get to see it and glad someone besides me knew Susan before today
ANNDI: Yes, you are the only one who has seen the TV me..I do miss doing those shows...and one day of video does not get me close to you my dear 'Frankenstein' SMOOCH
MERI: Not sure I would adopt..but I would take you in and care for you... =]
TUG: And here I thought you were a woman of action....LOL
DANA: I wanted to be more informal for all y'all...hope you enjoyed
ANNDI: I get more excitement about the Alternate Routes than my lasagna and gravy...sigh...I thought it was interesting they came up on the shuffle just in time for the closing
TRAVIS: glad you enjoyed... just hit shuffle on the old i-Tunes...
SONGBIRD: LOL yes, i did have to catch myself once or twice(or maybe more...LOL) THe kitchen is one of my favorite rooms to ummmm well...
If I hit the lottery this weekend I will be making deliveries to AZ, CO, and Canada so far...LOL
MIMI: To outfits..one saturday ...one sunday...makeup? LOL they would have covered up the dark eyes...ty on the hair...ty on the music...LOL why did I even cook?!?!!?!
Are there leftovers?
Just wanted to say hello and on top of all of the other things I'm in the middle of, I decided to make a blog for Mom for her friends and fanily.
I've still got to figure out how to do a whole bunch of things but that will give me something to do while staying at the hospital with Mom through her surgery and rehab.
You tied in the caption contest. Come see your prize..
Great videos Mr. V-and scrumptious looking end result too! A most pleasant surprise for my return home.
Lest we forget.
Thank a Veteran, Thank a soldier...
wonderful videos, Vinny. it looks delicious. *hugs*
yummy...we usually try to do it all in one day...but it was pretty fun to watch.
(not so sure about using throw away trays?)
and if your hair gets any longer you're gonna have to pull it back into a ponytail...or a hairnet....laughing...
MIMI: Yes, come on over
JULIE: Getting caught up I see..lol - welcome home
ANNDI: Yes my friend we did
COCO: HUGS ty my friend
KATHERINE: Well with the filming it just took the two days...I need to replace my big pans..ya know somethings did not travel with me...never a hairnet..thought the ponytail is an option...
Mmmmmmmmm. That's quite a monster of a knife but the ingredients sound fab! You say oregano differently to me... it's oreGARno here. You say orEgano. I love the vids - you are fab x Can you just use passata? I would never have thought to put cheese in the tomato sauce (just can't call it gravy!).
I might need to stop asking questions as the occur to me or I'll leave you the longest comment in history.
it looks tasty!