A Time Of Giving...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, December 04, 2008

In the spirit of the holidays, we offer up some suggestions for all of you lovers of music.

Below you will find 5 charities that benefit young artists and future musicians or were founded by musicians.

I know some of you might wonder why I suggest these charities.

Simply put, without music my life would be so much less than it is today.

I can remember times when the family was driving in the car into the Bronx to visit relatives for the holidays and the radio would be playing and a young Vinny would be singing quietly in the back seat and the joy I felt inside.

I can remember the times playing with my garage band and finding that perfect riff on my bass guitar and the joy I felt inside.

I remember using my friends CB radio and 'producing' a radio show, where we would play records and talk and laugh and the joy I felt inside.

I can remember that first day on the R.I.T. campus, walking into the radio station and getting on the air the next day and realizing people were actually listening and the joy I felt inside.

I can remember getting that first fill-in spot on WCMF in Rochester and realizing that ALOT of people were listening and the joy I felt inside.

I can remember one late evening call from friends in Elmira, NY to tell me one of my shows I recorded for the Kaleidoscope Network was playing on their radio and they were partying and listening, and the joy I felt inside.

I can remember the times as a wedding DJ, with 100..200...and once 350 people in the room and many of them on the dance floor responding to my music and the joy I felt inside.

Now, I share my music and the little knowledge I of have of it with all y'all and the comments from some thanking me for introducing them to a new band or for passing on some information that they dd not know and the joy I feel inside.

As I have said numerous times, there is always a soundtrack playing in my head...music to get me through the tough times and music to accentuate the great times.

I was asked once - as I am sure many of you have - which sense I could do without and it has always been my hearing. Would I want to lose my sight...absolutely not...but if given a choice between sight and sound, I will take sound any day.

SO in the spirit of giving, I give you these suggestions...they are all worthwhile causes and maybe you are looking to give to something different...and with that in mind...I offer them up to all y'all...

MusiCares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in times of need. MusiCares' services and resources cover a wide range of financial, medical and personal emergencies, and each case is treated with integrity and confidentiality. MusiCares also focuses the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community.

Website Link: http://www.grammy.com/MusiCares/

Donation Link: https://www.grammy.com/MusiCares/Donate/Donations/MusiCaresDonation.aspx?comp=0

World Hunger Year - Artists Against Hunger & Poverty

WHY is a leading advocate for innovative, community-based solutions to hunger and poverty. WHY challenges society to confront these problems by advancing models that create self-reliance, economic justice, and equal access to nutritious and affordable food. WHY was founded by a musician - the late great Harry Chapin and is currently chaired by his daughter Jen Chapin. Artists Against Hunger & Poverty (AAHP) is WHY's program that enlists performing artists to help raise funds and awareness for the most innovative and effective community-based organizations working to combat hunger and poverty. WHY offers artists, record labels, managers, agents and fan clubs an opportunity to take a stand by using their voices and resources effectively — while doing what they already do so well.

Website Link: https://www.yhunger.org/

Donation Link: https://www.yhunger.org/hungerthon/donation.php

With your donation, you can receive a limited edition John Lennon "Imagine There's No Hunger" /Hard Rock Café pin, T-shirt or sweatshirt. You can also receive the all-star Serve3 benefit CD, which features tracks by Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Joss Stone and more.

Musicians on Call

Musicians On Call uses music to promote and complement the healing process for patients, families and caregivers. Musicians On Call, a nonprofit organization formed in 1999, brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in healthcare facilities. Musicians On Call uses music to promote and complement the healing process for patients, families and caregivers.

Website: http://www.musiciansoncall.org

Donation Link: http://www.musiciansoncall.org/index.htm?id=10612&sid=10595

They can also use donations of classical and children’s music CDs

New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita forced many musicians to flee New Orleans. Jazz, blues, and other genres that are the city's musical score, cannot return until the musicians return. Facing rising housing costs, a shortage of decent units, and a national mortgage crisis, the Musicians' Village is providing local musicians and other qualifiying partner families the opportunity to own a home in a thriving community of committed individuals and families. Conceived by Harry Connick, Jr. and Branford Marsalis, the Musicians' Village will consist of 70 single-family, Habitat-constructed homes and 10 rental units for the older "music masters" of New Orleans. Its centerpiece will be the Ellis Marsalis Center for Music, dedicated to the music education and development of homeowners and others who will live nearby.

Website: http://www.habitat-nola.org/projects/musicians_village.php

Donation Link: https://secure.toolsfororgs.com/habitat-nola.org/donate/donateonline.php

Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation

The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation (MHOF) donates new and refurbished musical instruments to underserved schools, community music programs and individual students nationwide, in an effort to give youngsters the many benefits of music education, help them to be better students and inspire creativity and expression through playing music. Because of the financial and in-kind support of concerned and motivated music lovers, more than 500,000 young students have new opportunities and experiences available to them. They have been given something that will generate lifelong benefits and memories. Teachers, parents and those in their community see every day how much this simple thing, giving a child an instrument to play, can change their life forever. In eleven years, 746 music programs and 103 schools in six states affected by Hurricane Katrina are now giving their students a better music education experience because of widespread financial and in-kind support.

Website: http://www.mhopus.org

Donation Link: http://www.mhopus.org/donors.asp

If you are interested in helping the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, there are several ways to be involved!

Donate by mailing a check or an instrument: MHOF accepts donations of gently used band and orchestral instruments. We cannot accept pianos, organs or guitars. To donate, please send your well-packaged instrument to the address below, and include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address inside the package. To expedite processing of your donation, we will accept an appraisal from a qualified music dealer of your choosing. Please include, on the dealer's official letterheard or form, the appraised value and description of your instrument. MHOF will send you a letter of thanks, with the appraised value for tax purposes. If you cannot have the instrument appraised, MHOF will have it appraised for you.

Mail to:
The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation
15125 Ventura Blvd. Suite 204
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Donate by phone: Call the Foundation at 818.784.6787 to contribute using your credit card.

And the new site I have been using to upload music is also gone...What is a music sharer to do?????????

Keep looking and maybe find another place...let's see how long this one lasts...

From his newest Christmas Album, featuring the Count Basie Orchestra, this is an album we will talk more about on Monday...Mr. Tony Bennett

25 Of Your Sparks

  1. Schmoop Says:
  2. Good post Vin, but seriously, all that joy you have going on inside of you is creeping me out. Cheers!!

  3. Dana Says:
  4. I am a HUGE sucker for Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation! Music is so important in the lives of children who sometimes have nothing else.

    I'm glad you posted this Vinny!

  5. DrillerAA Says:
  6. It is special, being able to do something that you love and actually make a living doing it. I feel the same way about architecture. There is just something special about seeing the drawings come to life during construction.

  7. Anndi Says:
  8. Wait, you would or wouldn't give up your hearing?

  9. Travis Cody Says:
  10. I gave up trying to find a place to host music so I can upload it to my blog. Too many problems and not enough time to manage it.

    Thanks for the links to those sites. Music and the arts are so critical to keep a society culturally motivated.

  11. Bud Fisher Says:
  12. I'm with Matt-man. You are WAY too happy! Also, I received the Ryan Calhoun CD. Excellent. And thank you VERY much...

  13. MATT-MAN: But...I want to be just like you

    DANA: It most certainly is important and i wanted to share

    DRILLERAA: I do love the music and hope soon, I will be involved even more

    ANNDI: Would not.dear...would not

    TRAVIS: I am going to continue to try...and I so agree, without the arts we are doomed

    BUD: That happens when I am sober...I am grumpier when I am not! LOL Glad the CD arrived safely

  14. Dianne Says:
  15. Bravo Vin

    Music heals and brings people together like no other art form

    I donated to the NO charity when it was founded. I'm a sucker for Harry Jr.

    I have to post the story of how I sat behind him and his wife and his then new baby. It was Thanksgiving weekend and I'll never forget how great the experience was. He is a lovely guy, they were all lovely. His wife had no make-up on and was sick and still looked amazing! I'd love to hate her for that but she was too nice.

  16. Anndi Says:
  17. I don't know... if I lost my eyesight, it would make getting around very difficult (I know this because of my dad) and I would miss seeing my baby girl's face. I can remember music, feel the rhythms, but a growing child's face, gazing into the love of my life's eyes, seeing my future grandchildren... don't think I can do without that.

  18. leelee Says:
  19. Oh Vinny, I bought Mr. Tony Bennetts newest Christmas album last week..and its so wonderful. I announced to my hubby last night, that it is now my new favorite christmas album..followed closely by A Charlie Brown Christmas, Vince Guaraldi Trio. Oh and Christmas with The Rat Pack.

    Your charities are worthy indeed. Where would we be with the joy of our music...


  20. Jay Says:
  21. Very worthwhile charities there!

    Seriously though. Enough with all the happy-happy joy-joy sh*t. LOL ;-)

  22. Tug Says:
  23. Very nice...wonderful charities.

    I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart, down in my heart.................................

    yeah. Thanks for that.

  24. Ken Says:
  25. I came here three times today and waited for it to load...all I saw was...A Time For Giving....

    This time the fourth visit, I scrolled way, way, I mean way down, to the very bottom of the page, and no shit you had a post!
    Is it just me, that this happened to????
    Anyway, I'll read the post now......................................................................................Wow! That was a great "inside view", I have a clearer picture now.

  26. DIANNE: I so agree with you. I would love to hear/read the rest of that story.

    ANNDI: I just can not imagine not hearing the sound of the ocean or the rain on the roof, or thunder, or MUSIC!...but I certainly understand your points.

    JAY: Thanks and .....well....ummm

    TUG: joy joy joy!

  27. Mimi Lenox Says:
  28. Musicians On Call sounds awesome. I'd heard of a few of the others.
    What's this talk about your happiness being a turn off?
    Bah humbug!

  29. Maggie Moo Says:
  30. I used to sing my brains out no matter where I was and somewhere along the way I stopped. THen I used to listen to the radio or cd's all of the time and for some reason I stopped that too. I love music so much and I'm just not sure why it went away, but the other day I turned on my cd player and just rejoiced in the sound. Yes, music is wonderful....

  31. Anndi Says:
  32. I can remember those sounds... but my daughter's grown up face?

    I guess my perspective comes from a past with kids at a school for the deaf (they were amazing and "felt" sounds and music) and what my father has been through.

  33. MICKEY: Dad Vince also had a problem and I might have just found it...I think the separating dashes between the charities were too long...hopefully it is fixed now

    MIMI: They are all great charities and I am responding to those who feel the grinch tomorrow!

    MAGS: Never lose the music...lesson #1!

  34. Julie Says:
  35. Awww Vinny....you melted my heart when I saw World Hunger Year! I didn't know it was still in the family. How cool!

    Very informative post. Thanks!

  36. John Holland Says:
  37. Like you I don't know what my life would be like without music. A soundtrack runs through my head all day long. Thanks for the suggestions of the charities. What music site are you using to upload music now? I used to use Lifelogger too, now it's gone. I'm at a loss if I can't share music on my sites.

  38. John Holland Says:
  39. For some reason Blogger won't let me add your blog to my blog list. I keep trying and it keeps rejecting it.

  40. ANNDI: Having gone to RIT, and living with students attending The National Technical Institute of The Deaf (NTID), I was also amazed at the way the students gathered around the speakers at concerts to 'feel' the sounds.
    Let's just hope neither of us has to choose one or the other.

  41. JULIE: Yup, it is still around and thriving. Thank you dear.

    JOHN: I sent you an email with the details. Some day we should meet and compare the 'soundtracks'!

  42. Ahen. Music Rising is another good one. Mr. The Edge's charity to get instruments and homes back to NOLA musicians =)

  43. Mimi Lenox Says:
  44. I'm kinda feeling grinchy today too. I'd like to have some of whatever you've been drinking in the waters of Memphis. Share??


Music On The Couch