So Thankful....

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If you LOVE Dancing, then head over to TRAVIS'
for a complete look at last night's program.
FINALE WEEK! GET the real scoop from the man who knows!

Will it be Brooke, Lance or Warren cha-chaing down the street
with the Mirror Ball in hand?

This will be my last post until Monday as I have a ton of cooking to do for Thanksgiving and then Matt is in town and we have a full weekend planned.

Let me share with you, my thanks...

I am thankful I am a father to Matt. He is a most incredible young man and I could not be prouder.

I am thankful for my parents. Thank you Mom Joan and Dad Vince for everything you have ever taught and given to me with you love.

I am thankful for my sister Lynn and her wonderful family, BIL Kevin, niece Candice and nephew Joe.

I am thankful for my brother Richard and his great family, SIL Cindy and nieces Amelia and Adele.

I am thankful for the woman who woke what had been dormant for so long. A true love of life and the knowledge that you can love and be loved without issues and baggage. My dear Nancy, I am excited by the next four days and then all the days we will spend, Ernie and Peter are a part of my life and it thrills me. Love you.

I am thankful for you, my wonderful guests here on The Couch, for your loyalty and wit and honestly and for being you.

I am thankful that I have found a new life here in Memphis and in the last year grabbed back my health and fitness.

I am thankful I live in the best country in the world and pray for the servicemen and women around the world who will not be with their families this holiday season. I pray they can be next year.

Speaking of niece Adele, as we have shared in the past, she dances ballet and this past weekend, she appeared in a performance of Cinderella. I share with you the review of the show...

Web Posted: 11/23/2008 10:49 CST
By Jasmina Wellinghoff - Special to the Express-News

It's no wonder that so many classical ballets are based on fairy tales. When you stop to think about it, the fairy world and the ballet world are made for each other. There is a quality of unreality in both that fascinates and enthralls.

What prompted these musings is San Antonio Metropolitan Ballet's production of "Cinderella" presented Saturday and repeated Sunday at the Lila Cockrell Theater. Not because it was a perfect production but maybe exactly because it wasn't. Even with all its youthful imperfections, the performance still managed to charm.

Choreographed by former Houston Ballet principal and current ballet master Phillip Broomhead, with "additional choreography" by S.A. Met Artistic Director Susan Connally, this was a very classical "Cinderella" in both execution and concept. No contemporary re-interpretation, no Cinderella-as-a-feminist heroine, or anything like that. Though this sort of tinkering with the classics is in vogue with professional companies, S.A. Met is clearly happy to stick with the familiar, with one exception.

For some reason, the company removed the mean stepmother from the story without apparently noticing that that makes the premise of Cinderella's condition pretty untenable. How did the nasty stepsisters get to live with Cinderella and her dad if he did not marry their mother? And with the intimidating wife out of the picture, why would her loving father allow the two stepsisters to treat his daughter like an abused servant?

Logic aside, the stepsisters portrayed by Katie Fikes and Sarah Villareal were appropriately funny and "clumsy" without being turned into total caricatures as is often the case. Their sort-of-mistreatment of Cinderella gave the opening scenes some oomph until the Fairy Godmother (the confident Suzanne Wolff) arrived to perform her magic.

As in the past, the leads, Cinderella and her Prince, were danced by pros, in this case the husband-and-wife team of Tiit Helimets and Molly Smolen, both principals with the San Francisco Ballet. Strong dancers both, they effortlessly regaled the audience with beautifully executed multiple turns (especially she), flawless lifts and crisp, pure lines.

Smolen often punctuated her performance with hopping on pointe, vibrating in place, also on pointe, and, in one instance, descending a staircase on pointe -- not an easy task by any means. Helimets projected the image of a romantic hero, especially when his hair kept flying up while he twirled and leapt around the stage, oddly enhancing the Prince's heartfelt sincerity.

The Cinderella story has many versions around the world, and Prokofiev, who composed the score back in 1944, included elements of the Russian version in his concept, namely the four seasons fairies, danced Saturday night by Libby W (Spring), Alexandra S (Summer) Isabella H (Autumn) and Adele M (Winter). Despite their youth, all four acquitted themselves honorably, especially Marini who glided through her part with cool aplomb.

Special mention also goes to company member Thaddeus M who portrayed both the dance teacher in Act I and more importantly the court jester in the rest of the show. Not only did he tumble hilariously when necessary but he showed exceptional power for someone so young.

Enriching the visuals and the complexity of presentation were also groups of stars, mice, bunnies, butterflies, pages, party guests and a few others, all woven into the choreography fairly adroitly. Clad in silvery tutus, the stars presented the most coherent ensemble work; especially when appearing with the fairies; and the mice were, well, really cute.

Both lighting and set design could be improved but perhaps that's too much to ask of a company with limited means. In the end, as the sweeping music rose and Cinderella and the Prince danced their last happy steps, one could not help but smile.

Adele with one of her co-performers

Some music news that came in after yesterday's post:

Bruce Springsteen's single "Working on a Dream" became available in the iTunes Store and on yesterday. Free downloads became available through both sites. The track will be a paid download in the iTunes Store from tomorrow exclusively through December 9.

Springsteen's new album 'Working on a Dream' has been set for January 27 release on Columbia Records. 'Working on a Dream' was recorded with the E Street Band and features twelve new Springsteen compositions plus two bonus tracks. It is the fourth collaboration between Springsteen and Brendan O'Brien, who produced and mixed the album.

From one of my new concert tapes, The Allman Brothers from the Nissan Pavilion in Bristow, VA on June 25th, 2006. This is from their debut album, The Allman Brothers band, released in September of 1969.

Though they were a southern rock band, the song "Dreams" told the world, they were so much more...


Added to this week’s show:


Bill Romanowski
3 time Superbowl winner with the Broncos and 49ers.
Romanowski played linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles,
Denver Broncos and Oakland Raiders in a 16-year career that ended in 2003.
Former Boston College player.
He was a bad ass.

Radio Happy Hour
Coming up this week on DR. BLOGSTEIN’S RADIO HAPPY HOUR:
(Live on Tuesday November 25 at 9PM
ET and forever archived at BlogTalkRadio.)

kelli-dunham-nun.jpgThis is one you’re not going to want to miss.

First, Dr. Blogstein and Dangerous Lee welcome in an ex-nun, turned nurse, turned lesbian comedienne.

Kelli Dunham, who grew up on a beet farm in Wisconsin, has definitely taken a unique route to a comedy career. We’ll risk it all and delve deep into her mind to figure out how she went from the convent to comedy club and find out all that happened in between.

Then, push aside your glazed donut and don’t even think about ordering Fettuccine Alfredo because we’ll be speaking to Fotie Photenhauer, author of Natural Harvest - A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes.

Is this a joke or a legitimate cookbook? He claims it’s the real deal. In fact, here’s a recipe from the book:
High Protein Smoothie
Unlike other high protein drinks this one does not use animal proteins such as eggs
shake.jpgor whey for nutrition.
1 cup diced kiwi
1 ripe banana
1 cup of soy milk

1‐3 tablespoons of fresh semen
Ice cubes

Throw everything into a blender and liquify.

Chef’s Note: This is a great drink to experiment with.
Try substituting peaches or strawberries for the kiwi.
We report, you vomit.

All that, plus Vinny Bond sits on his Big Leather Couch to chat live with the listeners, Shawn Amos returns with another Pop Quiz, Justin the Weatherman, the music of Reality Addiction and we’ll take your calls at 646-652-4804.

Join us live every Tuesday night at 9PM ET. The Radio Happy Hour Lounge-a live, interactive chat room during show time! It’s the show within the show!

36 Of Your Sparks

  1. katherine. Says:
  2. congrats to your "cool" niece.

    Happy Thanksgiving Vincent to you and all of yours!

  3. Dana Says:
  4. Have a wonderful holiday weekend Vinny. Enjoy your time with Matt and with those special to you!

    Semen cookbook? Call me a purist but I prefer mine ala cart *wink*

  5. DrillerAA Says:
  6. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. May your day be filled with family, friends, and fellowship.

  7. Schmoop Says:
  8. Have a great Thanksgiving Vin. Ask your niece where she got that tiara; it's sooooo me. Cheers!!

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. How'd the girl on the left lose her face? Is there a foundation we could donate money to?

  11. Bud Fisher Says:
  12. Have a great holiday with those that you love, my friend. Enjoy!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  14. BeckEye Says:
  15. Haven't heard the Boss's new single yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

  16. Twyla Says:
  17. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

  18. Anndi Says:
  19. Enjoy your time with your Matt. I know how much you miss him.

    There are only a few people in my life that have loved me for me but with an awareness and acceptance that I am flawed: most importantly my parents, my Chicklet and my Honey. I'm thankful that they also love me enough to call me on my crap when necessary even though it's not fun. I know it's done out of love and I'm thankful they care enough to do it.

    Glad you've found someone to love, may you keep growing and learning also.

    Brava to Adele! Woooooo! A dancer!!!

  20. leelee Says:
  21. Enjoy your holiday, it sounds like FUN!!

    Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving. Stop by my blog for a blast from the past..


  22. Dianne Says:
  23. your niece is beautiful

    I love your gratitude list - all good things which you richly deserve

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend

  24. KATHERINE: Thank you and the best for a grand holiday for all of you. This has been a tough year for your clan...I am hopeful you can all be together Thursday.

    DANA: I hope you also have a great day..and being a purist is not so bad>

    DRILLERAA: And to you also Sir.

    MATT-MAN: Maybe it will be under your tree on Christmas

    DOC: Funny man

    BUD: Hoping you do the same my friend.

    RWA: Have a wonderful holiday

    BECKEYE: I really like it

    TWYLA: Thanks so much

    ANNDI: Having people who love you and know your faults is very special. Feel better and enjoy your love and your life

    LEELEE: Happy Thanksgiving have a great holiday

    DIANNE: I hope you are also with loved ones on Thursday.

  25. Mimi Lenox Says:
  26. I am grateful for you, my friend. Happy Holidays to you and the lovely Nancy.

  27. Liz Hill Says:
  28. I'm thankful to see my friend so happy. Smooch

  29. Jay Says:
  30. Have a great Thanksgiving Vinny!

  31. I'm glad your life in Memphis has turned out so wonderful. You deserve it, my friend. You DO have much for which to be thankful, as do I.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Enjoy your visit with your son.

  32. Anonymous Says:
  33. Wish we could all be together. Have a wonderful time with Matt, Nancy, and her family. Miss you!

  34. Ken Says:
  35. Cook Vinny, I know it's what you love to do!
    Happy Thanks Day to you and yours!

  36. Maggie Moo Says:
  37. Happy Thanksgiving Vinny-have a great time with family and glad Matt's with you!!!

  38. OBLadyBug Says:
  39. Congrats to Adele on an awesome performance!

    I too am excited about spending Thanksgiving with the man I Love, his son and my family. Just wish your family could be here too (??? Were there any turkeys larger than Fred?).

    I’m thankful to have found a friend - a lover – a partner.

  40. MIMI: And your friendship means so much...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    TURNBABY: And you as well...NYE is gonna be a blast

    JAY: Have fun with family

    SONGBIRD: Thank you so much and have a wonderful family filled holiday

    LYN: Love you also sister..

    MICKEY-T: That is what I am doing Sir...all day today and tomorrow!

    MAGS: Have a great holiday!

    NANCY: We would have just bought Fred's pal Seymour and cooked two!
    A special month and a half is beginning darling. KISS

  41. MIMI: And your friendship means so much...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    TURNBABY: And you as well...NYE is gonna be a blast

    JAY: Have fun with family

    SONGBIRD: Thank you so much and have a wonderful family filled holiday

    LYN: Love you also sister..

    MICKEY-T: That is what I am doing Sir...all day today and tomorrow!

    MAGS: Have a great holiday!

    NANCY: We would have just bought Fred's pal Seymour and cooked two!
    A special month and a half is beginning darling. KISS

  42. Have a wonderful holiday Vinny!

    Romanowski kicked ASS with the Niners =)

  43. Unknown Says:
  44. And we're thankful for you too! :smooches:

    Cool beanie weenies, Niece Adele!

  45. Coco Says:
  46. A very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, dear Vinny. It sounds like you have a wonderful time ahead of you. It's so good to see you so happy. :)

  47. Jeff B Says:
  48. Late to the party again.

    Like you I'm in the kitchen more than not right now. The family is coming over tomorrow for the big feast.

    Hope your day is filled with much laughter and great memories.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  49. Tug Says:
  50. That's awesome for your niece!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Vinny...enjoy your family!

  51. RW Says:
  52. Happy Thanksgiving Vin!

  53. Fred Says:
  54. Happy Thanksgiving, Vinny. I hope you're having a great holiday.

    Great pic of Adele. My three never took up dancing, I wound up with two jocks and a cheerleader.

  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours :-)

  57. Travis Cody Says:
  58. Congratulations to your niece! Sounds like the next generation of Marinis is quite talented.

    As to Romo, you could easily have substituted "jack" for "bad". LOL!

    Happy Turkey!

  59. Julie Says:
  60. I'll be back to stay longer but in the meantime I have something for you!

    C'mon over baby!

    Wink wink!

  61. Julie Says:
  62. Very nice list you have there dear. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

  63. STARR: Hope you had a great holiday and yes he did

    DANA: TY my friend...

    COCO: TY and I hope you are doing better my friend

    JEFF: Hope you did not poison anyone on Thursday!

    TUG: Thanks!

    ROGER: And hoping you had a great one Sir

    FRED: Happy Thanksgiving to you. That is not a bad thing to end up with

    SANNI: TY - hope all is well with your wonderful family

    TRAVIS: Thanks and how can you talk about a Raider like that? LOL

    JULIE: Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

  64. Meribah Says:
  65. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Vinny, and I'm glad you have so much for which you are thankful. We should all take some time to think about our blessings, especially during these difficult times. Hugs. :)


Music On The Couch