Ruby Tuesday & Tidbits....

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If you LOVE Dancing, then head over to TRAVIS'
for a complete look at last night's program.
Coming down to the end with the finale just one week off!

Click on the logo above to head over to The Teach's blog to see all the entries this week. Folks, RUBY TUESDAY has exploded across the Bloggosphere... THANKS MARY!

Let's go into the WAYBACK MACHINE...1981..yup, I was 27 years old. George and I were visiting John as he was stationed in Virginia Beach at Naval Air Station Oceana. A grand weekend where we got to climb into John's F-14 and laugh and drink some.

This was taken on the Officer's Gof Course and at one point, as I was lining up for a putt, an F-14 came streaking over us at about 100 feet off the ground. Next thing I knew I was munching on the grass as I hit the deck hard.

John was laughing hysterically, and I felt like a dolt until I saw George also laying on the ground!

This is George and I...and the RUBY is in the way-wickedly cool socks I was sporting.We won't even talk about the shorts! bwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa

Moved up the technological ladder yesterday. My cell has been acting up...actually slowing down...when I go to read messages it takes a while to get to that generally is one second behind my fingers punching the keys.

Then this weekend, I got a mailing from Verizon telling me about a big sale and, since I have been a Verizon wireless customer since 1935, I also got $100.00 the price of a phone.

So at lunch, I went over to the Verizon store and secured a Blackberry Curve. It gives me everything I need plus a better camera in the phone and it is Bluetooth enabled. So for a total cost of $6.00 after the mail-in rebate, I am now a cell-tech-geek.

Well, since I have the ability, I now want my emails to come to my phone, so that added a few sheckles to my cell phone bill, but two months ago, I was able to cut the bill by almost $50.00/month, so I am still ahead of the game.


Only SIX DAYS until 24 - Redemption airs! With the writer's strike and Keifer getting bagged for being bagged, we did not get any 24 last season...This is a 2-hour 'movie' to bring us up to date so that when the show hits the ground in January we will be up to pace.

Beginning to plan the menu for a 6 course dinner on New Year's Eve. Have two spots left at the table...any takers? Serious parties only apply...

This ain't no joke!

Have not really had any music flowing on here lately with the demise of lifelogger - seriously...any of you out there that use lifelogger? Have you also not been able to get to the website? PLEASE let me know.

And with this new system I found (upload to one site, send to a second site for embedding code - I am limited by the amount I can I have to be careful here...

YEAH SURE! Like I won't just buy a server and start hosting the dang audio myself.

I have been taken over by this EP...a favorite of The Couch, this is called "I'm Always Here For You", by the incredible Josh Charles.


Radio Happy Hour
Coming up this week on DR. BLOGSTEIN’S RADIO HAPPY HOUR:
(Live on Tuesday November 18 at 9PM ET and
forever archived at BlogTalkRadio.)

Radio Jesus and Dangerous Lee welcome actor Tim Reid and comedian Tom Dreesen.

Alone, Reid, best remembered as Venus Flytrap, the overnight disc jockey on WKRP in Cincinnati, became one of the busiest actors in television as well as a director and producer with his own production studio in Virginia while Dreesen became a stand-up comedian who has appeared scores of times on The Tonight Show and Late Show with David Letterman and who was Frank Sinatra’s opening act for the last 14 years of the singer’s career.

But it was together where the duo made history as the first (and the last) black and white comedy team in the history of show business. They document their less than successful five year run as a duo in Tim and Tom: An American Comedy in Black and White and will share their stories with the #1 black and white comedy team on internet radio.

Also, what do you call a guy whose roommate Clyde kicks him out of their room when he brings a chick home? How about a guy whose super smart roommate Justin beats him down for not standing up for himself? Or a guy whose mother died experimenting with mushrooms in culinary school? And what do you call a guy who lives vicariously through his own blog?


You call him Poor Paul: a new media episodic comedy series following the adventures of Paul, a twenty something, funny and unlucky dreamer who creates outrageous fantasies in order to escape life.

Stars Kevin Schmidt and Zack Bennett will be live on the show.

All that, plus Dr. Vino will tell us what to drink and when, Vinny Bond sits on his Big Leather Couch to chat live with the listeners, Shawn Amos returns with another Pop Quiz, Justin the Weatherman, the music of Jason Yudoff and we’ll take your calls at 646-652-4804.

Join us live every Tuesday night at 9PM ET. The Radio Happy Hour Lounge-a live, interactive chat room during show time! It’s the show within the show!

23 Of Your Sparks

  1. RW Says:
  2. Greeat RT shot Vin, I wont be playing this week, no ruby shots what was I thinking. but will be playing it next week!

  3. DrillerAA Says:
  4. Love them socks dude!!
    Didn't Tim Reed also have a cameo role as Tim Taylor's boss on Home Improvement?

  5. Schmoop Says:
  6. Most folks are unaware of the Reid/Dreesen team up. It's an interesting story. Good job bringing it up Vin. Cheers!!

  7. Anndi Says:
  8. That's quite the technicolour outfit you were wearing there. Take one sock off, remove the shoes and learn to dance and maybe you'll look like a contemporary dancer *giggle*

    Knocked a chunk from your cell phone bill.. yeah, calls to Canada must have killed.. wait, what calls?

    Josh is extremely talented. Nice sentiment expressed in that song.

  9. ROGER: Thanks Sir...glad to see you back

    DRILLERAA: Yup..they were hot!
    I believe he did for a few shows

    MATT-MAN: Well, Doc did...but I spread the word!

    ANNDI: SYTYCD is back later
    Last one came from Memphis TO
    He is very talented indeed.

  10. Ralph Says:
  11. Have the country clubs grown so lax in their attire requirements that these two, cutoffs, white sox and all are allowing to swing away?

    Cutoffs and white sox look way better than the gaudy plaid knickers that are correct at the club. Try wearing plaid knickers at your local driving range...knickers rhymes with snickers, which is what Mr. Plaid will hear...

  12. Dude my dad had those shorts :P

    As for Lifelogger I got one thing to say. It's dead, Jim.

  13. RALPH: LOL...yeah...lax in 1981...heheheheh Plaid...hehehe

    STARR: was cool, that is what you are saying...right?
    Deader than a doornail I think.

  14. Most of the time I just use YouTube. It's handy.

  15. TopChamp Says:
  16. That show sounds funny to me. Have a lovely time on the radio.

    p.s. nice bargain on the phone! Horlicks is a milky malt drink.

  17. Bud Fisher Says:
  18. Dude. The shorts. Wow...

  19. Tiggerlane Says:
  20. You bring back memories...every time I visit. And make me feel old! LOL!! will be tagged on my blog, shortly after midnight.

  21. Jeff B Says:
  22. So you were a geek with the socks and now you're a geek with your new phone. . . hmmmmm. . . I think I see a pattern developing here.

  23. Dana Says:
  24. I soooo want to take you up on that New Years Eve dinner invitation, but can't imagine I could convince husband to attend!

  25. STARR: Well, I found a new I am good for now.

    TOPCHAMP: So, like a milk shake? THANKS

    BUD: Hey, let's see a picture of YOU from 1981 with shorts...c'mon...

    TIGGERLANE: You can not feel old dear...You are a pup...

    JEFF: NOW you see a pattern??? It took until now????

    DANA: Only one who mentioned the, should I call him and he and I can discuss?

  26. Tug Says:
  27. I'm far too far away to mention the offer...

    NICE SOCKS. hee... Yes, I remember the days.

    Awesome on the phone deal - my daughter finally quit laughing at me when I text. Or learned to control it better... (bifocals are a bitch)

  28. OBLadyBug Says:
  29. Love those sexy legs, geeky socks and all. BTW Ernie thought you looked pretty cool until he got a better look at the socks ;-). Your choice in songs really touched me … thanks.

    Looking forward to an exciting New Year's Eve!

  30. Dianne Says:
  31. oh those legs!! ;)

    I saw Tim and Tom on Craig Ferguson's show last week. Incredibly interesting stories they had to tell.

  32. TUG: I txt pretty well..but this new phone is more difficult!

    NANCY: hehehe ah..making me blush...I STILL look good! LOL -
    Love when you know!
    NYE should be a blast!

    DIANNE: LOL...gee thanks...Looking forward to having them on...

  33. Raven Says:
  34. Love the crazy socks.... congrats on the new phone thingy.

  35. Travis Cody Says:
  36. You drank in an F-14??? HA!

    Oh geez...I remember those socks with the stripes.

    You caved eh? Had to get the hi-tech gadget eh? Well, I guess I can't blame you. I'm considering an upgrade myself.

    Then again, I might settle for a new electric shaver instead.

  37. Okay, those socks rock, LOL

  38. I love my Pearl, and hubby has the Curve, but what I really want? The new Storm!

    Sexy socks, Vin. Very sexy. *grin*


Music On The Couch