78, 700 & Tuneage Tutelage New Music Monday...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Monday, November 17, 2008

If your purpose is ONLY the New Music Monday & Music News Post, then scroll on down...

If you would like some reading that is NOT minutia..then keep it here...


Dad...I love you so
Here is my wish for you to celebrate
today, tomorrow and for many years to come!

Thanks to all of you for your loyalty
for 2+ years and 700 posts!
Wow...time flies when you are having fun!

For our first new artist today, I present you Kelly Richey. This woman knows her way around an ax. She has fingers that, at times, must burst into flames , while at other times they sensually trace along the fretboard of her guitar.

She has the performance pedigree to be sure having opened for James Brown, Johnny and Edgar Winter, and Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown. As one journalist put it, “Imagine a cross between Bonnie Raitt and Ruth Brown and you’ve only begun to get the picture.”

On the album featured, CARRY THE LIGHT, Richey is backed by Josh Seurkamp - drums and percussion; Amos Heller - Bass; Bill Brandenburgh - Keyboards; Andrea Allmen & Kelly Richey.

In her adopted hometown of Cincinnati, OH, Richey and her band have won multiple awards including Best Blues/RB Band, Best Rock Band, Best Musician and Best Band.

From her Bio: “Stevie Ray Vaughn trapped in a woman's body with Janis Joplin screaming to get out.” This is how one critic describes Kelly Richey, a blues-based rock virtuoso. Buoyed by critical praise and fiercely loyal fans, The Kelly Richey Band tours extensively bringing their electric live experience to venues throughout the US, Canada, and Europe. The attention centers around this Kentucky native’s guitar playing; Richey’s proficiency has earned her comparisons to Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan while gaining her a place on stage with blues legends, Albert King and Lonnie Mack.

You can find out more at her website HERE

In my opinion, Ms. Richey is an excellent guitarist. Is she deserving of being named in the same sentence as SRV, Jimi, Albert and the rest? I am not totally convinced yet, but y'll give her a listen and tell us what you think.

The two songs from Kelly are "Time For A Change" and "Carry The Light". The CD CARRY THE LIGHT is available to one of you...use the comments.

NEW PLAYERS...there are two songs on each player.
One automatically follows the other.

In the last two weeks I received the new DVD by a band called Boys Like Girls. Honestly, I had no clue who these guys were and was curious to see what the deal was.

SO, I pop the DVD into the iMac and away we went...

Concert footage out of the box..and then interviews with the band members about how they all came together. Seem like cool dudes.

The band is from the Boston area (OK, so we will not hold that against them)and consists of Martin Johnson - vocals, guitars; Paul DiGiovanni - lead guitar, vocals; Bryan Donahue - bass guitar, vocals; John Keefe - drums, percussion.

The music is not bad actually. They all play their instruments proficiently. The two guitarists play well together. I did like the song Hero/Heroine.

Honestly, I guess I expected 'boy-band' and I got 'ROCK BAND' with a hard edged beat.

The camera work on the DVD is excellent. The concert footage is fast paced without being nerve-wrackingly jitterish.

The off-stage footage which follows the band on it's Soundtrack Of Your Summer Tour can be slow at times for a non-fan, but for someone who is a follower, the DVD is definitely a keeper.

Each of the band members gets their own segment where you learn more about them as a person. Of course the other band members are the main sources of information...again, a real fan would appreciate this.

You can watch the entire documentary with concert footage, or just watch the concert footage without the interviews that also include questions from concert winners held on the band's myspace page.

There is a Photo Gallery section which is just that, a slide show of candid shots of the boys and their fans, just being young and having fun.

The packaging is basic and does not add anything to the experience, but will keep your DVD safe as it is sturdy.

Overall a pleasant experience for someone who knew nothing of the band...but as I said earlier, if Boys Like Girls are on your play list, then the DVD READ BETWEEN THE LINES is for you!

OK I have a copy of this DVD for one of you, my wonderful guests here on The Couch.

You know the drill...leave me a comment...let me know.

Our second featured New Artist today is Ryan Calhoun.

From his bio:
Ryan Calhoun just wants to write amazing music. After moving back home to southern California from New York City, Ryan quickly established himself as one of the most promising young artists emerging from the Hotel Café singer songwriter scene in Los Angeles.

After sharing the stage with the likes of Switchfoot, Cary Brothers and Jack’s Mannequin, Ryan teamed up with fellow singer songwriter and producer Greg Laswell to record his debut LP What Are We Doing Here? This collection of emotive, inspirational rock lead to Ryan’s acceptance of the prestigious Los Angeles Music Award for best new male artist in 2007.

When talking of his newest release, EVERYTHING THAT I'M NOT, Ryan says, “I’m not trying to save the world. I’m just trying to make music that matters to me and finds a place in other people’s lives. I draw from my experiences in life, my relationships, fears, struggles, faith and everything that surrounds me.”

You can find out more on his myspace page HERE.

Ryan has a nice voice. His music is enthusiastic. It borders between pop and rock, in that Bryan Adams zone. The two songs we have from the new CD are "Everything" and "Undone" - listen and then let Ryan and me know what you think.

And let me know if you would like a copy of Ryan's CD Everything That I'm Not...

29 Of Your Sparks

  1. Happy Birthday Mr. Vance.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    And that Kelly Richey? Wow. Great stuff.

  3. Travis Cody Says:
  4. Happy Birthday to Dad Vince!

    Couldn't get the players to work, so I'll check back later for the music.

    Have a great day!

  5. Jay Says:
  6. Happy Birthday to Dad Vince!

  7. Mimi Lenox Says:
  8. Standing. Singing. Pencil skirt blowing in the wind.

    Happy birthday to Dad Vince....Happy birthday to you....

  9. Ok Kelly is very good but I am not sure I think she lives up to the press.

    I know Boys Like Girls and they are just "eh" to me.

    Now Ryan I like cause I adore those sweetvoiced boy singers ala Matthew Sweet. Cause I am a sap like that.

  10. Jeff B Says:
  11. Really enjoyed the stuff from Kelly Richey. I would happily pop the CD into my truck should it happen to find its way to the Pacific NW. (wink wink, nudge nudge) I can definitely hear the influence of SRV in the intro to Time For A Change.

    Thanks for the tuneage and Happy 78th dad Vince!

  12. SARGE: Thanks

    RWA: She is good, no?

    TRAVIS: hope they play for you...

    JAY: Thanks

    MIMI: is that your Marilyn impersonation?

    STARR: My feelings exactly..the press is a tad over the top, but she is good.
    You a sap...yup we know!

    JEFF: You name is in the hopper Sir...

  13. Bah :P

    I am a sap. Actually I am a hardcore hopeless romantic. At least as far as my music, movies and most of all books go. But I absolutely LOATHE any type of sentimentality in my real life. Relationship wise that is. Which I imagine would be somewhat confusing for those I date. Hearts and flowers (well you give me flowers just save me the poetic verse) just wigs me out.

    So I am both a sap and freak :P

  14. Anndi Says:
  15. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    *throws confetti*

    And an Irish blessing (even if he is Italian):

    May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing.

    Now, the music stuff.

    Kely: Wow. She IS very, very good. Worthy of the hype... no, not yet. Her promo team would do well to just concentrate on her wonderful talent, and let her music speak for itself.

    Boys like Girls: Ha! Funny you should post about them because I ended up on their website Saturday. Chicklet quite enjoyed them, and they are tight as they play together.

    Ryan Calhoun: Um, Bryan Adams? No, not quite. I do hear something like Maroon Five in there. And that's a good thing.
    Ryan does have a nice voice.

    Overall, this was a good music Monday.

  16. Ken Says:
  17. Happy Birthday to your pops. You going to make a him a some gravy?

  18. leelee Says:
  19. Happy Birthday Dad Vince!!!


  20. Dianne Says:
  21. the critic's description of Kelly is amazing!! I'm having player issues as usual so I'll check later.

    Keep on rocking on ;)

  22. Bud Fisher Says:
  23. First Happy Happy Dad Vince! I received my CD. Thank you it's great. I could not play the music or see the pix on you blog. I'll check back later...

  24. Anonymous Says:
  25. Thank you all for your Happy Birthday Wishes.
    May everyone live long happy, hearty and healthy lives.

  26. STARR:So, this would get you off?...
    here's your flowers, now let's do it?

    ANNDI: Thanks for dad...glad you enjoyed the tuneage today

    MICKEY: When he shows up on 12/18, I better have some made...yup!


    DIANNE: Hope the players work..and thanks

    BUD: Hope it is all there when you come back

    DAD: And may you do the same dad!

  27. Bud Fisher Says:
  28. Kelly has a lot of talent. But the song did not do anything for me. Ryan is OUTSTANDING. I reecorded both tunes! Great job...

  29. Perfect! Not that it would happen. It has been my experience that guys rarely believe me when I tell them that what they see is not what they get with regards sappy romanticism.

    In fact there has been only one guy who really did believe me. Funny part is he is probably the only one who could have pulled off being sappily romantic with out it making me squirm and fight the gag reflex.

    Which sounds seriously pornographic althought that was not my intent :P

  30. Meribah Says:
  31. Happy B-day, Dad Vince! Hope it's a great one.
    Kelly Richey is not my cup of tea, but Ryan Calhoun is right up my alley. Of course, that should not be surprising as I am a Bryan Adams fan. :)

  32. I find the Bryan Adams comparisons a bit bewildering actually. RYAN Adams, yes. Bryan...not so much on the Every Thing I Do I Do It All For You Man.

  33. OBLadyBug Says:
  34. Happy Birthday to Dad Vince! Wishing him many more filled with love, family and happiness.

  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Yum! I want a piece of cake! Wish we all could be together to celebrate Dad's birthday. Hopefully soon! Happy Birthday Dad!

  37. TopChamp Says:
  38. Happy Birthday for your Dad! Hope he has a good one.

    Music - liked no1 couldn't be bothered to listen through number 2 after the first few bars. Bad sign.

  39. Travis Cody Says:
  40. They did play. My verdict...I wouldn't turn either off the radio.

  41. Tug Says:
  42. Happy Happy DadVince Day! May you have many many more...

    I LOVE Janis Joplin, and couldn't really get into Kelly. Don't know why, maybe I just need to hear more or be in a different mood - I'm very musicmoody. ;-)

    Liked Ryan, especially 'Everything'.

    No player for Boys like Girls? Or is is just invisible on my computer?

  43. DrillerAA Says:
  44. Happy Birthday Dad Vince. My dad is 88 and going strong.

    Kelly reminds me a little bit of Lucinda Williams. Her music may not be for everyone, but it is good stuff.

    Ryan has a little too much faux emotion to suit my tastes. I'm pretty sure I'd not buy his music.

    If you haven't already heard Santana's new CD "Multi-dimensional Warrior", you gotta give it a listen. It is amazing music. Have a great week my friend.

  45. Schmoop Says:
  46. Happy Birthday to your Dad, and congrats on 700, Vin. Cheers!!

  47. Dana Says:
  48. Happy Belated Birthday Dad Vince!

    And 700 posts? I'm quite impressed!

  49. Patti Says:
  50. Happy Belated Birthday to Dad Vince!

    Wanna meet my mom?


Music On The Couch