Was Lil Kim off key with the viewers?
Could Shawn have fallen off the beam??
Did Melissa's injury give the voters a chance for a divorce?
Find out from TRAVIS of "Trav's Thoughts",
He'll have the full DANCING WITH THE STARS rundown...

Could Shawn have fallen off the beam??
Did Melissa's injury give the voters a chance for a divorce?
Find out from TRAVIS of "Trav's Thoughts",
He'll have the full DANCING WITH THE STARS rundown...

DId you see THIS POST yesterday?
We truly enjoy our friend Matt-Man, but when he begins to blatantly lie and slander others, it is time for him to be brought back down to earth.
In that post, he had a photo of himself and he slandered a man named Boogie Samuels who went to high school with Matt-Man (who was known back then as Matt-Lad).
You see, in the 11th grade Matt-Lad was dating the local Irish pass-around, Ginger O'Takeme and found himself in love. Ginger was everything Matt-Lad had hoped for since he was 6 years old, sitting in the family room of his home, watching Diana Riggs on The Avengers.
What does this have to do with Boogie? Well, the day Matt-Lad was going to ask Ginger to the Junior Prom, it was Boogie who beat him to the punch.
It was lunchtime and as Matt-Lad made his way to the cafeteria table where Ginger sat with her friends. Slowly he walked carrying his tray loaded with loosemeat, limp french fries and a 3 oz. container of luke-warm milk rehearing how he was going to pop the question..."Ginger, I really really really like you and think that we could be the most perfectest couple at the whole prom, and I promise to shower before we go."
When he was within 10 feet of the table, Boogie ran by knocking Matt-Lad's elbow causing the tray to begin to tumble, loosemeat covered Matt-Lad's shirt and luke-warm milk slowly dripped down his pants.
Everyone in the cafeteria began to laugh hysterically including Ginger. Matt-Lad turned bright red with embarrassment and ran out of school. The next day, Matt-Lad came to school to find out that Ginger had accepted an invitation to the prom with Corky Smearman, a ninth grader who only had 4 fingers on his right hand.
Now, some 26 years later, Matt-Man tried to get his revenge by posting this picture with Boogie's face on it:
We truly enjoy our friend Matt-Man, but when he begins to blatantly lie and slander others, it is time for him to be brought back down to earth.
In that post, he had a photo of himself and he slandered a man named Boogie Samuels who went to high school with Matt-Man (who was known back then as Matt-Lad).
You see, in the 11th grade Matt-Lad was dating the local Irish pass-around, Ginger O'Takeme and found himself in love. Ginger was everything Matt-Lad had hoped for since he was 6 years old, sitting in the family room of his home, watching Diana Riggs on The Avengers.
What does this have to do with Boogie? Well, the day Matt-Lad was going to ask Ginger to the Junior Prom, it was Boogie who beat him to the punch.
It was lunchtime and as Matt-Lad made his way to the cafeteria table where Ginger sat with her friends. Slowly he walked carrying his tray loaded with loosemeat, limp french fries and a 3 oz. container of luke-warm milk rehearing how he was going to pop the question..."Ginger, I really really really like you and think that we could be the most perfectest couple at the whole prom, and I promise to shower before we go."
When he was within 10 feet of the table, Boogie ran by knocking Matt-Lad's elbow causing the tray to begin to tumble, loosemeat covered Matt-Lad's shirt and luke-warm milk slowly dripped down his pants.
Everyone in the cafeteria began to laugh hysterically including Ginger. Matt-Lad turned bright red with embarrassment and ran out of school. The next day, Matt-Lad came to school to find out that Ginger had accepted an invitation to the prom with Corky Smearman, a ninth grader who only had 4 fingers on his right hand.
Now, some 26 years later, Matt-Man tried to get his revenge by posting this picture with Boogie's face on it:
Thanks to the internet and my need for truth and justice, I will now share with y'all the actually picture before it was altered to slander poor Mr. Samuels:
Now Matt-Man, I was going to ask for an apology, but then Boogie sent me this picture and I think he is not interested in hearing from you...
Received an email from Erik Scott, our featured performer this past Monday. He was going to comment but wanted to ensure y'all saw it, so I told him I would post it here:
Hello, Erik Scott here.
I just want to thank Master Vinny Bond for including "Other Planets" on his comprehensive and easily interactive site. Also thanks to the folks for all the comments.
"Other Planets" can be purchased at http://cdbaby.com/cd/erikscott and at Amazon.
Interested folks can discover more samples, and more info about my checkered past at
http://erikscottbass.com, or at http://myspace.com/erikscottbass. And thanks again for, well, listening.
Cheers, Erik
The opening track from Other Planets, this is "Bartalk"...
Hello, Erik Scott here.
I just want to thank Master Vinny Bond for including "Other Planets" on his comprehensive and easily interactive site. Also thanks to the folks for all the comments.
"Other Planets" can be purchased at http://cdbaby.com/cd/erikscott and at Amazon.
Interested folks can discover more samples, and more info about my checkered past at
http://erikscottbass.com, or at http://myspace.com/erikscottbass. And thanks again for, well, listening.
Cheers, Erik
The opening track from Other Planets, this is "Bartalk"...
Ha. Well aren't you the funny, funny man? There's only one little error in your portrayal of this incident, joy boy.
That wasn't the luke warm milk that was dripping down my pants...I was the bodily discharge die to still thinking of a leather clad Diana Rigg when I was walking up to Ginger. Oink and Cheers!!
Their are very disturbing images on your site, this early in the morning! With no warning!
Holy Crap...I need to slow down when typing:
IT was the bodily discharge DUE to...Oy Vay!! Cheers!!
MATT-MAN: Truth wins out dude...
ROGER: Any time you have Matt-Man's face on your blog it is disturbing
MATT-MAN: We understand that it was because you had Ginger and Diana on your mind and you are just lucky your brain did not met completely.
Somebody finally exposes Matt-Man! LOL
He was dating Ginger O'Takeme? Weird, cause I was dating her cousin Sharon Sharalike.
HA. Vinny you suffer the same affliction. Shouldn't that have been "melt" instead of "met". But you're right. Cheers!!
You are nuts, but you know that, right?
Wow. Those are some pretty disturbing images.
JAY: Someone had to do it...what a coincidence
MATT-MAN: Like the swine flu it is contagious
BUD: I do Sir, I do
SOUTHERN: Yes they are.
Did I lose my comment? ;-(
Joy Boy - ROFLMAO.
MattMan looks HAWT in those fishnets...RAWR.
TUG: I have this one....he is a fishnet kind of guy
Jesus Bond you are gonna put me off pork with those pictures. It was bad enough the initial run over in BagLand!
Ya know that is technically called a Party Pig. I know this because my ex and I once took one as the white elephant (LOL) gift to his work Christmas party ;)
STARR: LOL party pig and of COURSE you know about them!
Dude, what are you insinuating?! Just cause I am like a kid in a candy store when I get to go Castle Mega Store (which is, truly, the WalMart of porn) does not mean I am a leading expert on inflatable adult novelty aides. And yeah that is what the box called it ;)
I was not insinuating anything. I was stating a fact. You are our expert in inflatable adult novelty items...nuff said...
What does it say about me that I am secretly pleased by that :P
STARR: Like anyone is surprised you would be pleased! We all know about the 4 different pumps you have depending upon the size of your inflatable!
Alas inflatables are not for the ladies. Although I must say they make lovely conversation pieces in outdoor gardens. So festive =)
I shouldn't bitch though, there really is not much there for guys. Y'all get the party pig and not much more. Well the Lovable Ewes as well.
Now I wanna go watch Lars and The Real Girl!
Regurgitated pig....just what I needed when I'm this ill. Thanks, Vinny. You're such a great friend.
SONGBIRD: My apologies for trying to correct a wrong....hehehe
You had me rolling in the aisle, Vin! the first Matt-Man head on "What's-his-name" but then the second Matt-man head on the pig - omg, get me to the bathroom fast so I don't pee my pants! :)
What is the blogosphere coming to?
And here I was going to share my smoked pork loin recipe on Friday. Some how, I'm just not in the mood anymore.
ewwwwwwww ewe
It actually looks a bit more like a Ewwwwwnicorn.
that looks like an albino reindeer...
Rudolpha the red.....no, I'll be good ;0
I just threw up a little.
MARY: Glad you enjoyed
MIMI: when you find out...tell me!
DRILLER: bwahahahahahaah funny!
STARR: That is just wrong
KATHERINE: Ya think?
STARR: Now stop that! LOL
TRAVIS: Hope Pam did not have to clean it up!
Seeing Matt makin bacon like that is truly disturbing.
A new definition of Matt-Meat!
JEFF: yes it is
DANA: And one I hope we never talk about again!