Friday Food Frank (and Dean)...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Friday, March 20, 2009

Well, here it is 10:33pm and normally I would be lying on the bed, watching basketball, or if the games got boring, something on TiVo. My post would be done...I would be 'chillin''

HECK-A-DOODLE NO!!!!!! But you know what? I really can't be all upset, because I have been in front of the computer since I got home around 5:15pm (ain't it great to live like 5 minutes from work? Well that will change real soon and I can't wait!!! LOL)

Anyway, so, in front of the computer since I got home...right...working on the header for the new food blog.

I had it done with one template and the when I went and previewed, it did not rock me. And it was doing something funny with the code. Something I found a few times to be honest.

I finally found a clean template (because, you know, a food have to be clean and all), and then I had to change the primary color of the header. which should have been a snap working with GIMP the freeware program (going to be getting my CS3 real soon. CS 4 just came out and CS3 is now a bargain!), so, sorry....drifting around here it should have been easy, but - HECK-A-DOODLE NO - again, this time for real - when I saved I saved as a .png instead of as a native file so all the layers compressed!

SO I had to rebuild at 9:15 my stomach yelled 'HEY BOZO REMEMBER ME? YOU KNOW....THE BODY PART THAT HAS BEEN GROWLING FRO THE LAST HOUR!!!', so luckily, the other night I whipped up some sausage and peppers and onions so I made a sandwich and came right back to the computer.

Finally finished it...I think - I always tinker - but if all is well, you will be introduced on Monday with it's first real post. I even got a real url for it - I am such a renaissance man, ain't I!

Thanks to TURNBABY of "And As The World Turns"for her constant nagging stalker-type emails, suggestions that I do this and also for what has become the tag line for the site.


Other than that, I got nothing....I am exhausted and am actually surprised this was not a one line post and some music...Oh yeah...we will be doing music there also...and going to try and keep it food themed!


Have a great weekend....ENJOY...

11 Of Your Sparks

  1. Well, I like the new look. I am going to try and update the link on my blogroll. Hopefully IE7 will like this one.

  2. Ken Says:
  3. Pizza pie, that's amore!

  4. Liz Hill Says:
  5. FINALLY*grinning* I've got the new url in my Reader and linked up at both places;-)

  6. Dianne Says:
  7. have a great weekend, full of food and music

  8. Well Food and Music are the stuff of life! I found it ;)

  9. Travis Cody Says:
  10. Food and music...two things you do well!

  11. Mimi Lenox Says:
  12. You can't go wrong with food and music. I'll just be blogging my MRI tomorrow. You wouldn't want me to cook for the occasion now, would ya?

  13. katherine. Says:
  14. Sounds like you had a pretty entertaining evening...looking forward to the food blog...yum.

  15. TopChamp Says:
  16. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I fully expected great music there......... but you hit me with That's Amore! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Anyway - I will of course await your food blog with anticipation as I love food and cooking and your food always looks great. I also remember fondly your video.

  17. Unknown Says:
  18. Hehe! Heck-a-doodle-no is now my new catch-phrase!

  19. RW Says:
  20. You can get Adobe Element 6 for $28 bucks at pricegrabber.COM excellent program.


Music On The Couch