Well, I hope you all enjoyed this week of new music. Yesterday I ordered about 10 more CDs from artists whose bios were sitting in my inbox and we will be doing a New Music Friday each week with a chance for one guest to win a CD from each artist featured.
OK, ANNDI and DANA you will each be receiving a copy of the Woodfish EP in the mail in the next week.
TURNBABY and STARR copies of the CD from KaiserCartel are on the way to both of you!

Today is my favoritest Holiday OF THE YEAR!
Ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks, bats and black cats, blood and gore and scares and haunts...AND Michael Myers...Man I LOVE Michael Myers!
OH...don't play the audio bars...you are warned....
Dooooon't Plaaaay The Auuudddiiioooo Pllllaaaayyyyyerrrrrsssssss
(Did you hear my spooky voice saying that? heheheh)
Today is my favoritest Holiday OF THE YEAR!
Ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks, bats and black cats, blood and gore and scares and haunts...AND Michael Myers...Man I LOVE Michael Myers!
OH...don't play the audio bars...you are warned....
Dooooon't Plaaaay The Auuudddiiioooo Pllllaaaayyyyyerrrrrsssssss
(Did you hear my spooky voice saying that? heheheh)
You Played it didn't you?
My good friend from high school, Rich and I would go see the Halloween movies whenever they came out.
Now, you might not remember, but the first 3 came out on Halloween. (After that they tended to suck...) He and I would dress up...not necessarily as Michael Myers, but in some ghoulish outfits. I even made a stump hand that had a hacksaw blade coming out of it and would push the $5
(yup movies were like $5 back in the olden days - you know , when we walked 10 miles to school up hill each way with only cardboard shoes on our feet...
OK, I am losing track here)
Where the heck was I...
OH YEAH, I would push the hacksaw blade through the $5 bill when we got to the box office and freak the crap out of the person selling tickets. One year I freaked this young girl out so much the manager was called and I had to remove the stump and blade and put it in the car before we were let into the theater...what a buzz kill...OH and we were pretty buzzed when we went...
Now, you might not remember, but the first 3 came out on Halloween. (After that they tended to suck...) He and I would dress up...not necessarily as Michael Myers, but in some ghoulish outfits. I even made a stump hand that had a hacksaw blade coming out of it and would push the $5
(yup movies were like $5 back in the olden days - you know , when we walked 10 miles to school up hill each way with only cardboard shoes on our feet...
OK, I am losing track here)
Where the heck was I...
OH YEAH, I would push the hacksaw blade through the $5 bill when we got to the box office and freak the crap out of the person selling tickets. One year I freaked this young girl out so much the manager was called and I had to remove the stump and blade and put it in the car before we were let into the theater...what a buzz kill...OH and we were pretty buzzed when we went...
Yup she sounded like that!

Then when Matt was young I would always try and scare he and his friends... I do have a rule that they must be about 9 or older to really scare though.
When we lived in Massachusetts in the apartment complex, I put on ratty old clothes..stuffed straw in the sleeves..gloves..one of my collection of horror masks and went and stood in a public area. Of course a group came alone (including Matt) and all stood around trying to figure out if it was a person or fake.
Finally, one brave soul came close enough and pushed on my chest. I fell straight backward onto the ground (YEAH IT HURT - but all great pranks involve some pain)...they all laughed saying ..."oh man it is fake.." about 20 seconds later, I began to rise off the ground...
They scattered yelling and screaming like crazy and all I did was...
When we lived in Massachusetts in the apartment complex, I put on ratty old clothes..stuffed straw in the sleeves..gloves..one of my collection of horror masks and went and stood in a public area. Of course a group came alone (including Matt) and all stood around trying to figure out if it was a person or fake.
Finally, one brave soul came close enough and pushed on my chest. I fell straight backward onto the ground (YEAH IT HURT - but all great pranks involve some pain)...they all laughed saying ..."oh man it is fake.." about 20 seconds later, I began to rise off the ground...
They scattered yelling and screaming like crazy and all I did was...
Speaking of Matt...he sent me a pix via his cell phone of his costume this year...his interpretation of Heath Ledgers "Joker"...damn the boy is a chip off the old block!
But where did he get my hair! (Had to say it before one of you wisea**es did!)

I am planning on dressing tonight and going over to Nancy's house. She knows, but neither of the boys do. I told them I have this stuffed dummy and was planning to set it up out front to hold the candy...hehehehehehe
Last week, Nancy, Peter, some of Peter's friends and another couple and I went into Memphis to a haunted house called Nightshade Manor and it was way cool. For $12 ($10 if you brought two cans of food for the Food Bank), you got a pretty cool scare. Now I love to be scared, so I was laughing the whole time and had three sets of hands gripping my jacket the whole time.
Last week, Nancy, Peter, some of Peter's friends and another couple and I went into Memphis to a haunted house called Nightshade Manor and it was way cool. For $12 ($10 if you brought two cans of food for the Food Bank), you got a pretty cool scare. Now I love to be scared, so I was laughing the whole time and had three sets of hands gripping my jacket the whole time.
I warned YOU!

In 2006 I put up a list of some of the best Haunted Houses in the US, now I know it is late for this, but you can take notes if you live near any of these places to go get your SCARE on next year...
Y'all Have fun tonight...and watch out...don't go near that house...I hear it is haunted...
OH NO...now you did it!!!!!!!!
- Knott's Scary Farm, (Anaheim, California)
- Haunted Hoochie (Columbus, Ohio)
- Cutting Edge Haunted House (Dallas /Fort Worth, Texas)
- Catacombs (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Niles Haunted House Scream Park (Niles, Michigan)
- Statesville Haunted Prison (Crest Hill, Illinois)
- Mansfield Prison (Mansfield, Ohio)
- Rocky Point Haunted House (Salt Lake City, Utah)
- Erebus Haunted House (Pontiac, Michigan)
- Phobia Haunted House (Houston, Texas)
- Horror Hill (Kennesaw, Georgia)
- Necropolis (Columbia, Missouri)
- The Beast (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Screamers House of Horrors (Niagara Falls, Canada)
- The Dungeon of Doom (Grayslake, Illinois)
- Slaughterhouse (Dallas, TX)
- Monster Mountain (Hendersonville, Tennessee) COUCH NOTE:not a house a trail through the woods!
Y'all Have fun tonight...and watch out...don't go near that house...I hear it is haunted...
OH NO...now you did it!!!!!!!!
OH...and If you really want to be scared,
and then take the consequences...
and KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT for the next four years...
because you will have given up your right to complain...
and then take the consequences...
and KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT for the next four years...
because you will have given up your right to complain...
Happy Halloween....enjoy!
(I've been frightened too often in real life to enjoy being scared for fun....but I love the costumes and candy!)
ACK!!! TIMBERSNAKE! That was scary!
"I can do anything I was in a boy band... ok"
Thanks for the EP! Chicklet and I will rock out.
Happy Halloween! It's good to see someone who really enjoys the holiday. Myself, I am a scaredy cat. LOL One year, my cousin scared the CRAP out of me. It was dark outside and I kept hearing a tapping noise on the window. I went to the door and turned on the lights, and when I did, he was standing there with a Jason mask and a chainsaw. I almost had a heart attack. He thought it was pretty hilarious.
KATHERINE: Thanks and BOO to you!
ANNDI: LOL...See Tom Fuze scared me more!
Hope you enjoy the whole EP
TWYLA: I think I like your cousin! LOL
I loooooove Halloween. Hopefully, working the Drive-Thru tonight will offer me the opportunity to view hot babes dressed in sexy costumes. Cheers!!
See, the reverse psychology thing doesn't work on the puppy...so I actually DIDN'T click on the audio thingies. But you WANTED me to, didn't you? Tough tiddies! Hehehehehehe! :P
Thanks Vinny, that was fun!
This year voting will come easy to a lot of people. The times are changing so fast.
This cyber world we live in is giving more and more people the guts to speak up. You can imagine in four more years how different the media and all the ways we comunicate to each other is going to be.
Thank you Vinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so going to see them live.
Oh and according to The Travel Channel this place The House of Shock is the scariest Haunted House in America. They killed someone! Of course they CPR'd her back to life but still!
MATT-MAN: Well we know you will scare anyone that drives through!
MERI: No really, I did not want you to
MICKEY-T: Thanks...and you know we might be voting via computer in 4 years
STARR: You are welcome dear...You need to do a review for us all- be a guest reviewer for Tuneage Tutelage
That is only 6 hours from me! Putting it on the calendar for next year!
Happy Hollow Weenie, Bond!
I'd love to do one! Tell me what when and who and I am on it =)
"You Played it didn't you?"
Oh yes I did! And you knew I would too. I couldn't stop myself. Anytime someone says not to do something and tries to warn me of dire consequences if do, I end up doing it.
I used to watch scary movies when I was a kid, but now I don't like them much at all for some reason. And I don't do haunted houses either. Don't know why the change.
BARBARA: And a Happy ...ummm a Hollow Weenie??? Now that ain't no fun is it?
STARR: You know...when you see KaiserCartel...you can do a review of the show and I will post it here and all... ok?
JAY: No really I didn't want you to...really (snicker) I was hoping you would not...
I loves me horror movies, haunted houses, spooks and scaring people...
Come closer BOO!
...big fun, Vincenzo!!!! thanks...
Happy Hallloween my friend. Oh, and thanks for the headache...
Halloween kind of snuck up on me, I'm embarrassed to say. Now that we've got all of our decorations in the storage unit, it's just not front and center.
It's too bad, because I always used to love decorating the house. I don't much care for the trick or treaters at the front door, just because it freaks out Mr Tucker.
Have fun!
Great story about going to the movies ... and Matt's version of the Joker is fantastic.
Hope y'all have a Happy Halloween.
What? I won?? How the heck did that happen? I'm really excited though 'cause this one is for ME!!
Happy Halloween oh evil one *wink*
They're coming to take me away, HA HA
They're coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see
Those nice, young men
In their clean, white coats
And they're coming to take me away, Ha-haaa!
YAY!! Thank you!!!
I hope you had a great time.
That was a fun post. I finally realized I had to update my Flash player to be able to listen to the sound clips. DUH!
We had a great Halloween last night.
Matt looks great! Well, in a costume sort of way, that is.
The chainsaw audio was a great touch. My next door neighbor hides in his garage and pops out with a toy chainsaw with a quad sound system simulating the sound. I heard screams all night on Friday.
Hope you had a great Halloween. I was the designated "give the candy out so we don't get egged" parent.
BUD: Hope you had fun and take some aspirin! LOL
TRAVIS: It was last minute for me too this year...
RWA: Thanks and hope you enjoyed
MIMI: OOOO ya scared me!
DANA: ALL for you and yup I am EEEEVVVIIILLLL
SARGE: Just go quietly! LOL
TURNBABY: You are welcome and I did
JEFF: Glad you got the sound working in time...hope the boys had fun
FRE: LOL there has to be one of those parents!
Loving Matt's makeup!
(sorry I mean facepaints).
I don't think we have haunted houses like you. They used to have them at the fairground but not any more. I had a look at Nightshade Manor to see what it's all about. I think that would be funny.
We have dungeons and old jails which are scary. Not the same though.
fun halloween joker pic. i anticipated seeing a lot of joker costume this year.
It's fun looking back at Halloweens of years gone by! But well still have a cheapie theater! Like 2-3 bucks! Wanna see a movie up here?
Hope you had a wonderful Halloween & weekend! I took K & her friends to a corn maze one year, and snuck up on them saying 'Heeeeeere's JOHNNY' - they turned around to see a big (plastic) axe coming at them...hee.