
Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Monday, July 16, 2007



Enjoy Manic Monday over at MO'S


Please stay well and enjoy your happiness...



"Rock & Roll Stew"
Composers: Jim Gordon & Rick Grech
"Low Spark Of High Heel Boys"


31 Of Your Sparks

  1. The Life photographs were wonderful and this is a great one to go with the theme.

  2. Anonymous Says:
  3. What a perfect magazine cover you chose!! That is great. Happy MM.

  4. Anonymous Says:
  5. just look at that concentration! little boys grow up to be great men! he's so intent ..... a lot like you. just thought I'd spread a little joy. **wink**

  6. Ingrid Says:
  7. With this word I lost my marbles too !

  8. Great photo. I love the old Life magazine covers.

  9. What a great picture... and there's a little something for manic monday over at the108 to make you smile :-)

  10. Wonderful! I miss Life magazine. It was such a part of my life, growing up.
    I still have a jarful of marbles from all my winnings!

  11. Janna Says:
  12. What a coincidence... I've lost mine as well!

  13. I really enjoyed your tail-wagging tunes, Mr Bond! Thank you!

  14. Unknown Says:
  15. Love the little one´s facial expression!

    Have you seen my marbles???

  16. What a wonderful and nostalgic post! I love the old Life photos.

  17. Julie Says:
  18. Hey sweetie! I love it! Great picture too! My daddy always stuck his tongue out when he was concentrating really hard. My son does it too.

    I hope you don't mind but I'm going to nab your banner because the ones over at Mo's look kinda scary.


    Oh.....I have CAKE over at my place...well, it's marble of course!

  19. Travis Cody Says:
  20. Love the Life cover and the tune.

    I'm wondering if I'm gonna find some of my old marbles in these boxes I've been lugging around for so many years. I hope so.

    Welcome to MM my friend.

  21. Meribah Says:
  22. Well, you didn't have to tell us you lost your marbles...we knew that a LONG time ago! Bwahahahahaha! :P

  23. Twyla Says:
  24. We all lose our marbles from time to time. :-)

  25. aw what a cute kid!

    smiles, bee

  26. Maggie Moo Says:
  27. Me too, too...

    Happy MM.

  28. Schmoop Says:
  29. He kinda looks like you Vin. Cheers!!

  30. I'm chuckling at Julie's comment about the banners at my place look kinda scary... hmmmm.
    Bond, at first I thought this was a Photo-shopped pic of you onto a Life cover, but realized it was a real cover.
    Great image. So, did you play with marbles as a boy? I collected some, but never really played the true game of marbles.

  31. Sandee Says:
  32. What a great post for marble. Love the tune too. Have a great MM. :)

  33. He DOES look like The Bondster!

  34. Unknown Says:
  35. That is a great LIFE magazine cover. Yours is the second MM post that I've seen today with it and both times I was struck by the intensity of that young man in the photo. He is seriously pondering the geometric algorythms of that marble shot (smile)!

    peace, Villager

  36. Angell Says:
  37. Great shot hon. :D

  38. Lisa Ryan Says:
  39. Ha! great pic! he takes his marble playing seriously. thanks for the tune and happy mm!

  40. JAMIE: I was happy when i found it

    TEGDERB92: thanks and thanks for stopping by

    ANON: Glad you enjoyed...thanks for visiting

    GATTINA: I lost them long ago

    SONGBIRD: glad you enjoyed

    108: Great post over there

    GRACIE: hehehehe ... so much fun

    JANNA: what??? JANNA!!!!! woooo... well I did not take yours I can assure you of that.

    JERSEY: glad you enjoyed

    SANNI: darling... your's was great...

    NANCY: glad you enjoyed thanks for stopping by

    JULIE: i normally stick my tongue..ummm nm


    TRAVIS: If you find mine send em fed ex

    MERI: well i know that too

    TWYLA: I just wish i could hold on to mine for more than 7 months

    BEE: he is though ain't he

    MAGS: but but but I want them backkkkkkk

    MATT: stop sucking up to me

    MO: I almost did, but lost track of time and then there was no time left

    COMEDY+; Thanks...i appreciate it

    STARR; ah shucks

    VILLAGER: SOMEONE STOLE MY IDEA?????? lol oh well

    ANGELL: thanks

    LISA: It is a serious game....

  41. Good one Bond, the photo is great.

    Thanks for your comment, everyone hates war, especially soldiers.

  42. TopChamp Says:
  43. I read Mo's story. it's ok if you lose your marbles - as long as you kep one... but even then it's ok because they'll turn up again someday.

  44. Mimi Lenox Says:
  45. Great photograph.
    You know how fond I am of marbles!!

  46. Anonymous Says:
  47. What a cure little boy, tongue stuck out playing marbles... LOL. What a great find. Good post.

  48. Sparky Duck Says:
  49. wooo hoo its our gang! Right? No? why are you looking at me like that?

  50. Anndi Says:
  51. You never told us you'd been on a magazine cover...

    Just remember to keep that tongue away from anything metal in the winter... even if someone 'double dog dares' you...


Music On The Couch