OK, so only a few of you decided to share your weekend with us. Those that did, thanks...
Our choice for the most interesting weekend goes to our friend TopChamp...
Here is what she wrote:

So James picked me up in his limo and drove me to the cinema... then past it and round the corner where he dropped me off with my ticket, before taking on the red carpet himself.
Don't know about you folks, but in our opinion Mr. James McAvoy is a total classless slime-dog...
Well, it is official... Mr. Paul Potts, the mobile phone selling Opera singer was chosen as the
winner of "Britain's Got Talent"...Mr Potts earns himself £100,000 prize cheque, and the Britain's Got Talent winner will perform at the "Royal Variety Performance", by invitation of Her Majesty The Queen.
The Royal Variety Performance will be shown on December 3rd 2007.

The Royal Variety Performance will be shown on December 3rd 2007.
![[couchdivider.gif]](, here is what I am going to do with my change jar...
A view of the River Thames painted by Claude Monet sold for almost $36 million at auction Monday, kicking off a week of big-budget sales on the London art market.
"Waterloo Bridge, Temps Couvert" ("Waterloo Bridge, Overcast Weather") was bought by an anonymous American bidder for $35.6 million including buyer's premium during a sale at Christie's auction house.
The price _ more than double the work's pre-sale estimate _ is the second-highest ever for a Monet at auction. The record of $39.7 million was set at Sotheby's in 1998.

A view of the River Thames painted by Claude Monet sold for almost $36 million at auction Monday, kicking off a week of big-budget sales on the London art market.
"Waterloo Bridge, Temps Couvert" ("Waterloo Bridge, Overcast Weather") was bought by an anonymous American bidder for $35.6 million including buyer's premium during a sale at Christie's auction house.
The price _ more than double the work's pre-sale estimate _ is the second-highest ever for a Monet at auction. The record of $39.7 million was set at Sotheby's in 1998.
Maybe all he wanted to do was knit some gloves for the winter...
Doctors in southern China were planning to perform surgery on a 1-year-old boy whose parents took him to a hospital because he had been unusually fussy and learned he had six sewing needles in his body, newspapers reported Monday.
The child's parents, migrant workers from southwest China, said they had no idea how the needles ended up in their son, nicknamed Xiao Yu.
"We have to perform the surgery as soon as possible, but we cannot promise that we can remove all the needles," the doctor, Gu Yong, was quoted as saying.
The parents said they took Xiao Yu to a hospital on June 2 after he cried for three or four nights in a row and ate less than usual.
An X-ray taken there revealed two needles inside the boy's chest. He was sent for surgery at another hospital, where a second X-ray revealed four more needles _ two in his scrotum, one in his head and another in his abdomen.![[couchdivider.gif]](
The Doors
John Densmore, Robbie Krieger, Ray Manzarek, Jim Morrison
Doctors in southern China were planning to perform surgery on a 1-year-old boy whose parents took him to a hospital because he had been unusually fussy and learned he had six sewing needles in his body, newspapers reported Monday.
The child's parents, migrant workers from southwest China, said they had no idea how the needles ended up in their son, nicknamed Xiao Yu.
"We have to perform the surgery as soon as possible, but we cannot promise that we can remove all the needles," the doctor, Gu Yong, was quoted as saying.
The parents said they took Xiao Yu to a hospital on June 2 after he cried for three or four nights in a row and ate less than usual.
An X-ray taken there revealed two needles inside the boy's chest. He was sent for surgery at another hospital, where a second X-ray revealed four more needles _ two in his scrotum, one in his head and another in his abdomen.
The Doors
John Densmore, Robbie Krieger, Ray Manzarek, Jim Morrison
Jesus Christ! Stop making that kid sew at the sweatshop already!!
Human voodoo doll? Ouch!
bond that needle thingy creeped me out honey. kind of ewwww like. you know? don't do that bond, okay? that's a good boy.
smiles, bee
'Honest, we don't know how this happened...' Yeah right!
Kudos to Paul, it's wonderful when a talent like his shines through.
Great tune.. as always.
DAMN - I don't even want to TRY and comprehend that....
My weekend was snoozers so there was no point in boring y'all with it.
Ok I am with Bee....eewwwwwwwwwww!!
The Doors! Yippee! Woohoo! (Can you tell that I like The Doors?)
First of all, I didn't share my weekend story because...well, nothing extraordinary, weird, or unusual happened. We finally saw "Pirates 3" but that was the highlight of the weekend. Oh yeah, we got two new flat screen televisions. Do those count?
Good for the mobile phone salesman. It's nice to hear stories like that. As far as the change jar goes, I think you need to be throwing in more than your pennies and nickels, eh?
Oh, btw, I don't think anyone told you this, but you got some text bleed over on the right sayin'. I know how particular you are, so I'm just sayin'...
108: I want my reeboks, and i do not care how many infants have to become pincushions
BEE: but but but..the cake is over there --->
ANGELL: LOL not necessary to sit on the COUCH!
STARRLIGHT: So, now YOU want cake too?
SONGBIRD: You like them? really?
TWO flat screens? Wow, can I come live with you?
WHAT IS BLEEDING WHERE? What resolution do you use?
Yes, I like The Doors. Why does that surprise you?
Yes, TWO flat screen TVs and two new VCR/DVD Recorders (yes, recorders). We have a lot of VHS tapes to dub, plus we like to record movies.
Your text in the middle column is bleeding into your right hand column. As far as resolution, I'm using 1024x768, 32 bit in Firefox.
Thanks for putting up my favorite Doors tune, Vinny. Listened several times this afternoon.
I started to write a comment yesterday, but then I realized that my weekend sucked really bad, and nobody would want to hear about my dental surgery, so I stopped. My highlight was getting to chat briefly with you on your birthday.
I also didn't particularly approve of the little girl. Little kids don't belong in that kind of situation. End of story. I'm exceptionally glad to hear that Mr. Opera-singer won. I was worried that the "cute" factor might skew the results.
As for the needle-laden kid ... that was just real disturbing. Gonna try to not think too much about it.
And geez, Vinny, I had to scroll down 20 feet before I found your post. What's with that?
Have a sweet day, hon!
I believe you like the Doors Songbird...i was using sarcasm....
OK, it appears the TOPCHAMP signage was too big and that was causing the problems...
I also compose and view my monitor at 1280 x 1024 .... It looked fine for me..I just need to remember that most people need to have their type faces 10 feet tall
Two in his scrotum? Oi!
Were they doing home acupuncture? Or do they use the needle bin at the sweat shop as a crib?
Mr. Tumnus: pppfffffttt! What a wanker!
Hey, I can't help it if I have a small laptop computer! I'm lucky I have a laptop! Waaaaaa...Mommy, he's making fun of my toys.....
Sarcasm? What's that? Oh, I guess I just figured you were surprised I liked old music like you...Ha!
The needles story. YUK. Poor child. How could something like that happen anyway?
My weekend was spent tripping over suitcases and making plans to demolish ..I mean...redecorate Bud's apartment. He's such a good sport.
I think I need vitamins for this task.
Well he is married... and it's possible that might not actually have happened... it may actually be a dream(fantasy?) of mine...
I'm with Mimi... I want to know HOW that could happen??
Cheers for the sign.. I like it!
PIE! I want PIE!
Why does cake get all the play?
Oh MY! Poor boy!!!
I´ll return to listen to The Doors later, Luis fell asleep just seconds ago =)
San - the one who spend the whole boring weekend "playing the waitress" in a friend´s cafĂ©
I read about the little's a bit odd, don't you think? Let us know if you find out the outcome (of both the surgery and the whodunit).
My favourite Doors tune...excellent choice.
Have a great evening!
**Blinks** How in the world did that kid manage to swallow one needle, let alone six of 'em??? Wouldn't they have gotten stuck in his throat or something? Plus, I wouldn't think they would taste very good.
Oooo, and I like pie too! Now I've got lemon meringue on the brain. They are just sooo good! I think I'll make one soon, maybe the week! Yum yum yum! :D
SO glad Paul won!! I wonder if the parents were trying acupuncture & it went terribly wrong??
YAY for Mr Potts!
Evidently in China it is customary to use a pin cushion as a cradle woobie.
Wow! It's a rambling man again! I love it.
Now about those pins...someone needs tied down and poked! NONONONO not that way Vinny! Mr. Potts won? Good for him!
I love Desert, she gave me pie =)
MATT-MAN: Your comment got lost with ms. Anndi's (WHAT were you two doing... hummm?) ... LOL Free ice cream
ANNDI: So, you and Matt, alone together hummmm...Thanks on the tune appreciation...Not sure what became of the kid...
MO: Very weird story, that is why it caught my eye and i agree on the ppppppttttttttt
SONGBIRD: OK, calm down now...LOL
MIMI: Vitamins? Not a blowtorch?
TOPCHAMP: You might have dreamed it????? HEY!
STARRLIGHT: Pie you got
SANNI: ssssh Luis is sleeping...
GAIL: If I hear, so will you
MERI: Not sure he swallowed them dear...two were in his scrotum!
TUG: That would certainly be considered "terribly wrong"
TRAVIS: Cradle woobie..bwahahahahaha
JULIE: Just ramblin' on...LOL What do you think I was thinking????