good morning, good afternoon, good evening
take a seat and get comfy
take a seat and get comfy
Congrats to Tiger & Elin Woods on the birth of Sam Alexis Woods, their first child. Their daughter was born just 24 hours after Tiger missed out on winning the US Open.
Banana Cream

It was the worst single incident to claim firefighters' lives since the Sept. 11 attacks, which killed 340 firefighters, two paramedics and a chaplain, according to the National Fire Protection Association. It was the deadliest fire in South Carolina since a 1979 blaze killed 11 people in the Lancaster County jail.
"I lost nine of my best friends," said Fire Chief Rusty Thomas, choking back tears Tuesday. "To the families, you gave them to us, and we protected them as best as we could."
Officials identified the victims Tuesday as:
Capt. William "Billy" Hutchinson, 48
Capt. Mike Benke, 49
Capt. Louis Mulkey, 34
Engineer Mark Kelsey, 40
Engineer Bradford "Brad" Baity, 37
Assistant Engineer Michael French, 27
Firefighter James "Earl" Drayton, 56
Firefighter Brandon Thompson, 27
Firefighter Melven Champaign, 46
In many ways First Responders are like Wild Horses, you can't drag them away when they are on the job...Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the family's and friends who are suffering a loss today.
Humble Pie released an album named "THUNDERBOX" in 1974...The album sucked and the band probably knew it. So what do you do when you have an inferior product and need to move it off the shelves? Use S-E-X to sell.
Even though we are talking about the 70's, the photo caused a ton of talk...Many albums just had a plain white paper sleeve. The sleeve to this album was cardboard and had artwork. There was also a picture on the other side of the album...tres risque, even for the 70's.

Some albums also had cool of my favorites is by Joe Walsh...
the cover art is nothing special, but from 1973...
"The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get"
Again, not Joe's best album...just a cool name.
Chocolate Pie
Ah...of course Frank Zappa had to be in this list...his genius with music translated to his albums. This album was released in 1970, just after the original lineup had split...
"Weasels Ripped My Flesh"
The pie? Well, our friend Starrlight requested some pie as we have
been passing cake around to Travis and Bee the last week or so...
That said...

Apple Pie

Cherry Pie
Capt. Mike Benke, 49
Capt. Louis Mulkey, 34
Engineer Mark Kelsey, 40
Engineer Bradford "Brad" Baity, 37
Assistant Engineer Michael French, 27
Firefighter James "Earl" Drayton, 56
Firefighter Brandon Thompson, 27
Firefighter Melven Champaign, 46
In many ways First Responders are like Wild Horses, you can't drag them away when they are on the job...Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the family's and friends who are suffering a loss today.
Album, not CD artwork...album covers. Those works of art that vinyl records came in. Today, CD's can't give you the coolness that was an album cover. When you bought a new album you would rush home and strip off the shrinkwrap (a billion times easier then opening a CD today) and place the album carefully on your turntable.
Now, if you really cared about your music, you would tip the album cover so the vinyl would begin to slide out of it's holder...Catching the the "platter" with your palm and fingers (without putting your fingertips on the grooves- oil you know) and then slide your other hand along the opposite edge of the album.
You place the stylus (the needle kiddies), and as the sound filled your room, you would sit there and read the album; All the facts about the band and the music contained on the album.
Some were more creative than others...the artwork on some was spectacular...
Now, if you really cared about your music, you would tip the album cover so the vinyl would begin to slide out of it's holder...Catching the the "platter" with your palm and fingers (without putting your fingertips on the grooves- oil you know) and then slide your other hand along the opposite edge of the album.
You place the stylus (the needle kiddies), and as the sound filled your room, you would sit there and read the album; All the facts about the band and the music contained on the album.
Some were more creative than others...the artwork on some was spectacular...
Humble Pie
Humble Pie released an album named "THUNDERBOX" in 1974...The album sucked and the band probably knew it. So what do you do when you have an inferior product and need to move it off the shelves? Use S-E-X to sell.
Even though we are talking about the 70's, the photo caused a ton of talk...Many albums just had a plain white paper sleeve. The sleeve to this album was cardboard and had artwork. There was also a picture on the other side of the album...tres risque, even for the 70's.

Some albums also had cool of my favorites is by Joe Walsh...
the cover art is nothing special, but from 1973...
"The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get"
Again, not Joe's best album...just a cool name.
Chocolate Pie
Ah...of course Frank Zappa had to be in this list...his genius with music translated to his albums. This album was released in 1970, just after the original lineup had split...

"Weasels Ripped My Flesh"
Pecan Pie
And finally for of the coolest album covers of all time...before it was changed due to all of the controversy...The Rolling Stones..."Sticky Fingers"
What was the controversy? The artwork for Sticky Fingers - including a working zipper that opened to reveal a man in cotton briefs (rubber stamped "THIS IS NOT ETC.") - was conceived and photographed by Andy Warhol, designed by Craig Braun and featured the lower torso of either Warhol assistant Jed Johnson or Joe Dallesandro (not Mick Jagger as a number of fans at the time speculated) in a pair of tight jeans.
What was the controversy? The artwork for Sticky Fingers - including a working zipper that opened to reveal a man in cotton briefs (rubber stamped "THIS IS NOT ETC.") - was conceived and photographed by Andy Warhol, designed by Craig Braun and featured the lower torso of either Warhol assistant Jed Johnson or Joe Dallesandro (not Mick Jagger as a number of fans at the time speculated) in a pair of tight jeans.
The pie? Well, our friend Starrlight requested some pie as we have
been passing cake around to Travis and Bee the last week or so...
That said...

Apple Pie

Cherry Pie
Have a great day!
The Rolling Stones
"Sticky Fingers"
Mick Jagger – vocals, acoustic guitar, backing vocals, percussion
Keith Richards – backing vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Mick Taylor – electric guitar, acoustic guitar, slide guitar
Charlie Watts – drums
Bill Wyman – bass, electric piano
Paul Buckmaster – string arrangement
Ry Cooder – slide guitar
Jim Dickinson – piano
Rocky Dijon – congas
Nicky Hopkins – piano
Bobby Keys – saxophone
Jimmy Miller – percussion
Jack Nitzsche – piano
Billy Preston – organ
Jim Price – trumpet, piano
Ian Stewart – piano
The Rolling Stones
"Sticky Fingers"
Mick Jagger – vocals, acoustic guitar, backing vocals, percussion
Keith Richards – backing vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Mick Taylor – electric guitar, acoustic guitar, slide guitar
Charlie Watts – drums
Bill Wyman – bass, electric piano
Paul Buckmaster – string arrangement
Ry Cooder – slide guitar
Jim Dickinson – piano
Rocky Dijon – congas
Nicky Hopkins – piano
Bobby Keys – saxophone
Jimmy Miller – percussion
Jack Nitzsche – piano
Billy Preston – organ
Jim Price – trumpet, piano
Ian Stewart – piano
I love albums. Loved shopping for them, loved buying them, loved taking them home, and I especially loved taking out that platter the very first time and reading the cover, etc. just as you described. Heavenly experience. We still have hundreds of vinyl albums, and our turntable has a place of honor right by the new flat screen television.
Pie? What pie? Did someone say pie?
woo hoo - you keep putting in trumpeters. Nice.
I like apple pie the best. We don't really do pie here like they do in America though. We have apple pie, steak pie, mince pie, even macaroni cheese pie. But no cherry or banana pies.
pie is good bond! pie is very good.
smiles, bee
I like pie!!
Thank you for the lovely tribute to the 9 fallen heros. May they rest in peace. May peace be with each family as well.
Oh you could have given us Chocolate Pie... yummy... my favorite...
Dangit, now I gotta have pie at lunch...hmmm which one, though?
Great post as usual, dear.
Damn it, now I want some apple pie!!
And Pecan at that. And Banana Cream and and and.....!!!
In addition Wild Horses is in my top 5 Rolling Stones songs!
I miss album covers. I totally hear you on that. Kidlet wishes Vinyl would make a comeback too!
SONGBIRD: It was/is a very visceral experience..unlike CD's which are cold
TOPCHAMP: hehehe likey the trumpet...
BEE: Save some for Starrlight
MATT-MAN: OK, come on now...where is the punchline?
DIXIE: Ah it was fitting they get discussed and honored here...I also love Chocolate Pie
GAIL: Have some banana cream
MAGS: Then whip one up Ms. Chef....
STARRLIGHT: My two favs are Chocolate and banana Cream...but that cherry pie looks fine - I mean tasty...I mean good also We will be visiting more album covers in the coming weeks...
Ohhh I miss album covers ... Actually bought some at a flea market a few years ago that had scratched-up, unplayable vinyl, and framed them for the family room. Saved a few from the ex's rampage last summer, too. Visitors always spend the first 5 minutes looking at them, because I have too many now, and have to keep rotating them.
MMmmmmmm pecan pie ...
Ah Hah! there is my pie!! mmmm now im thinking Derby Pie.
I am convinced the Sam is for Sam Snead, or as the wife says, some sort of Norwegian thing.
my my my
I love me some pie!
Ok but why no "She's My Cherry Pie" for our musical interlude :P
Wow, what a great post filled with interesting tidbits and naked women!
I am very happy for Tiger and Elis!
Very sad for the firefighters.
I loved that Humble Pie album, used to listen to HP all the time when I was in HS.
As for the Sticky Fingers - my favorite album cover of all time :)
SPARKY: heheheh derby could be correct about Sam Snead...
MORGEN: Dig in my friend - plenty of choices
STARRLIGHT: LOL...I could have gone there also, but the "Wild Horses" was in my mind about the First Responders
LAYLA/BARBARA: heheheh the sign of a great post..tidbit and naked women...
I liked it though it certainly was not one of their best...
Knew you wold like the Sticky Fingers
Hey! Where did you get that picture of me in my little apron and cherry bra?????
108: Dean sent it to me... oops, was it a secret?
ROTFLMOO - no comment on the pie honey.
I loved vinyl though...miss it a bunch.
Oh yeah....Wild Horses! While I was running through the mania of what is Vinny's thought process I see this title! I quickly run back up and click to play! Thanks!
I mentioned you regarding your section on the firefighters to my 4 guests. Good job Vinny.
And albums...**sigh** what can I say? I'm glad I experienced first most coveted (when I was not yet a teen) was umm.....Tom Jones..."I Who Have Nothing"! Shortly after that was The Boss "Born to Run" which my parents confiscated because my BF gave it to me. Harumph! Ahhh Thunderoad!
Great post my friend!
One of the reasons it took so long to organize my albums was that I kept pausing to look at the album art!
Great pie! I'll have pie when I can't get CAKE. And you're right, that cherry pie...YOWZA!
When human instinct is to run from danger, First Responders run toward it. For this, they often receive little thanks. And some pay the ultimate price for the public safety. Your tribute to the fallen is excellent.
I love me some of that cherry pie!
Pie!!!!!!!! Pie pie pie pie PIE pie pie pie!!!! I luv me some chocolate pie! Yummy yummy yummy! But where's the lemon meringue pie??? Huh? **Digs into the chocolate pie** This is very good by the way! :P
ANGELL: but but but it's PIE
JULIE: YOU always have to click PLAY Julie....sheesh....Parents can be funny creatures...LOL
TRAVIS: Yes, I certainly know how that goes...I love pulling them out and looking and we will be doing that more here
DOC: dig in dude..hehehe
MERI: Thank goodness it is cyber pie and i have plenty more
reading everyone's comments....I was laughing over which "pie picture" made which reader's mouth water....
OUTSTANDING, Dude. Of course I own all formentioned LPs. And your handling deal, is right on. The morns either handle the LP or had it in so you had to remove the entire paper jacket.
Amen, bro!