Monday Musings...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Monday, August 27, 2012

Saw this interesting story in the Daily News yesterday.

I always presumed that, unfortunately, there would be harassment of women in the military. I didn't realize it would be in such large numbers and with so little regard for the women who serve our Country with their lives.

It is the kind of story I would have expected to read in the NY Times, but the Daily News does surprise me at times...of course, their sports coverage is heads and shoulders above the Times!

First Melky Cabrara and then Bartolo Colon suspended 50 games for PEDs. And of course there are some headlines that read "Two ex-Yankees caught cheating..." HA...As Dan Patrick said, if you are not a Yankee or ex-Yankee, you might be a future Yankee...

24 hour television and news and sports has resulted in a new occurrence...ratings whores (r.w.) disguised as 'reporters'.

Their goal is to find the best way to get their name - and in some cases, the name of their show - into the public eye as much as possible.

There one such person at a major sports network who does everything he can to 'go against the grain' when it comes to issues that have great divides.

He has taken a strong support position with a back-up quarterback in the NFL, while most experts feel he will never be more than he has been.

This past week, to spark some more publicity for himself and his mid-morning show, this r.w. put the name Jeter into the conversation of P.E.D.s.

Since Jeter is having a great season, and he is 38, and last season he struggled for the first half, that he must be juicing.

JETER? Really?...No seriously...REALLY?

OK, I am a Yankee fan and have had the honor of watching this young man play since he became a major, let's ask Mr. William C. Rhoden of the aforementioned N.Y. Times (wow...can't remember the last time I had two Times references in one day!). He appeared as a panelist on The Sports Reporters on that same major sports network as the r.w.


And for the record..this was Jeter's stats for 2011
2011 131 546 84 162 24 4 6 61 81 .297

It could be argued Jeter that 2010 was a worse year, but really it was only his BA that suffered.
2010 157 663 111 179 30 3 10 67 106 .270

Guess what? This year he is back where he has been his whole career.  All he learned was he had to work harder in the winter to continue to excel as he gets older.  P-R-I-D-E

Sad how some people are always looking for ways to make a name for themselves especially at the expense of others.

Just an incredible week in Williamsport, PA where the world of Little League gathered for their World Series. Some phenomenal plays, wonderful sportsmanship and just a ton of smiles.

Congrats to the eventual winners, the team from Japan who took home the title...and to their US opponents, the team from Tennessee. They played an epic game against the team from California the day before. And thanks to all the kids who participated, the parents who did what was necessary to allow their sons to participate, to the thousands of volunteers who come together to make this a special experience. Did you know that the umpires selected to go to Williamsport are then responsible for all their expenses? And that if you asked any Little League umpire they would jump at the chance.

So cool the team from Uganda received the "Sportsmanship Award" this year.  First team from Africa to ever make it to Williamsport and they smiled their way through the whole event! And to top it off, they won a game.

3 Of Your Sparks

  1. Oh there's no doubt that Jeter is dirty.

    Ha! I'm kidding. I couldn't possibly care less if he is or isn't. I doubt he is, but nothing ever surprises me.

    There are too many people in the media making accusations with nothing to back them up. No proof, do documentation, no real live sources .. nothing. A guy with CBS Sports wrote a column accusing Usain Bolt of being dirty right after the Olympics. His "proof" was that he just knew it. Nothing else. No interviews with "experts" or anything.

    These people suck.


  2. Travis Cody Says:
  3. I'm glad you posted about LLWS. This has been such a crappy week that I didn't get a congratulatory post up. Internet issues on top of everything else.

    But today shall be a stoopid-free day and I'm getting back on track!

  4. DrillerAA Says:
  5. I have very little use for politicians (from either party), talk show hosts, and television analysts (regardless of what they're trying to analyze). Just sayin'.


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