
Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, February 05, 2009

Taking a break today...


Come Back Tomorrow...

It's a


18 Of Your Sparks

  1. katherine. Says:
  2. you're a tease...

  3. John Holland Says:
  4. Hope you get some rest.

  5. Unknown Says:
  6. I hope you're feeling better and I look forward to the REALLY BIG POST!

  7. Liz Hill Says:
  8. That's what you should be doing--resting---eating chicken soup---not smoking*heehee*

  9. Mimi Lenox Says:
  10. Do you realize that you and Travis have the same post title today? I'm hearing Twilight Zone music.

  11. DrillerAA Says:
  12. Sleep tight...and don't let the bed bugs bite!

  13. RW Says:
  14. Nothing wrong with that Vin! No hints about the big post?

  15. Really big post, huh? Just how big of a font WILL you be using?

  16. Bud Fisher Says:
  17. Get yourself better, my friend...

  18. Travis Cody Says:
  19. Hang in there and try to relax a bit. Zzzzz's are just the ticket.

  20. Can't wait, Vinny! Thanks for commenting on the Pope's ridiculous actions regarding the Bishop who is a Holocaust denier... Is it that he doesn't care or is he getting senile?

  21. Ken Says:
  22. Hope your feeling better!

  23. i feel exactly the same way today!

    smiles, bee

  24. AtriaBooks Says:
  25. lazy bum

  26. Mimi Lenox Says:
  27. That was not nice, Blogstein!
    Don't make me come over there....

  28. KATHERINE: I try hehe

    JOHN: Trying but not easy when on the road..thanks

    DANA: Thanks...

    TURNBABY: Chicken soup??? In a hotel??? come on!

    MIMI: It is totally coincidental

    DRILLERAA: Oh sure..in a hotel and you talk about bed bugs...

    ROGER: No hints...

    SONGBIRD: As big as it gets...

    BUD: I am trying..thanks

    TRAVIS: TY Sir...

    MARY: Thanks and that whole situation is just wrong

    MICKEY: Not quite yet...but working on it

    BEE: It is going around

    DOC: ppppffffttttttt

    MIMI: Don't encourage him

  29. BeckEye Says:
  30. That picture isn't a very good advertisement for the caffeinated power of Coke!

  31. Julie Says:
  32. Mimi....but does Travis say he has a really big post for tomorrow?

    Huh? No...I didn't mean it THAT way!



Music On The Couch