Thursday Tunes...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, January 15, 2009

As we are still traveling and time is at a premium, today is going to just be a Music Thursday...

Music from two new favs and one old fav...


From the Tunica CD..."In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed"

From Josh Charles, "Stars"

From Charlie Morris Band, "Mr. Miracle"

Music Storage & digitazation @ BOXSTR

9 Of Your Sparks

  1. DrillerAA Says:
  2. Great music! Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a safe trip home.

  3. Travis Cody Says:
  4. Can't really go wrong with a music post.

  5. Elizabethe Reed is one of my all time favorites =)

  6. katherine. Says:
  7. the first one is missing....everyone has probably mentioned it...

    travel safe.

  8. Jeff B Says:
  9. The more I hear from Charlie Morris, the more I like him. Very different song from the ones you highlighted on Monday.

    Safe travels Vinny.

  10. Julie Says:
  11. Have you ever put a good size piece of chocolate in your mouth only to have it fall out? Then you try to catch it by quickly pushing your belly into the table?

    Oh? This isn't a blog about chocolate?

    Sorry....**wanders off**

  12. John Holland Says:
  13. Nice tunes....

  14. TopChamp Says:
  15. My stupid computer won't play these. Grr. It's a bit temperamental at the moment.

  16. Meribah Says:
  17. Happy travels, my friend. :)


Music On The Couch