Thursday with TREATS!

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hey all...this is a shorty, as I decided to go down to Tunica and meet up with Nancy and her boss last night and stay over and have dinner and gamble a tad...

As I type this, I am still 4+ hours from leaving, but I am itching to get out of here (work) and get in the car and head down...

I will let ya'll know how it went on Friday...

Hey!!! Like treats???? How about FREE TREATS???

Well Maggie, of Ms Maggie Moo Talks 2 U is having a little contest. She will pick one winner and maybe a runner up to get free treats that she personally made - HEY if you do not know Maggie is a trained Chef and makes some scrump-dillie-isious foods...

Here are her rules:

1. Leave a comment ON THIS POST telling me you would like to be submitted.

2. To earn more entries, have other bloggers (who are not on my blogroll) come by to enter by commenting on this post. THEY MUST SAY THAT YOU SENT THEM. Their name will be entered and you will gain 1 more entry! The more people you send, the more entries you get!

3. If you are chosen as the winner, you must email me to tell me what items stood up to shipping and which items did not. After all, that is the main reason I am doing this.

Contest ends at 5pm EDT, Friday 11/21. At that time I will compile all entries and pick 1 grand prize winner. Depending on the number of entries received, I may also choose a runner up.

Winners will be contacted via email (as well as announced here) by 10pm EDT 11/21.

Please note, you must be willing to provide me with your *real* name and mailing address in order to receive the prize!

OK, so you want to play-but what is it that you will win?!?! Prizes may vary, but they will all be homemade edible gifts made by me. This can include:

So, ya see, if you enter you can win and if you go over and say I sent you, it helps me to win...and if I win, I might be convinced to share too! So head on over to Maggie's HERE and leave a comment. is 2:00 and I decided in an hour...I am outta to see my baby...and it should be a good night...just got a txt msg and they closed their THIRD deal in two weeks. She is kicking a** and taking names with this new job...

Her bosses love her...but not as much as I do! Yup...keep plugging Sweet Nancy...I see St. Thomas in our future! bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

16 Of Your Sparks

  1. TopChamp Says:
  2. nice! Have fun x (p.s. I did the mags thing for you... even though I am now hugely envious and a little bit hungry)

  3. Maggie Moo Says:
  4. :) Yay! You've already got 1 "referral"!!! Thank for the contest plug-hoping next week to have other ways of getting extra entries too. :)

    Good luck!!!!

  5. have fun bond, hope you win!

    smiles, bee

  6. Go, Nancy! Wooooooohooooo!

    Oh, and I'm gonna win Maggie's contest, so don't even think you're going to, buster.

  7. Bud Fisher Says:
  8. Sounds like Darlin' is doing great in that new job! Good for her. Have a good one, my friend...

  9. Hope y'all have a great time in Tunica.

  10. Good luck with them dice Vinny!

  11. Anndi Says:
  12. If I believe customs would let the food through I'd SO enter this contest...

  13. Liz Hill Says:
  14. Have a great time!!

    Please give the lovely Nancy a hug for me

  15. Tug Says:
  16. Have a safe trip, & HAVE FUN!!

  17. Tiggerlane Says:
  18. OMG...I would not eat for TWO WHOLE DAYS if I could have treats!! Wow...I'm all about counting calories (which is working - lost 6 pounds this month), but I would save just to have a taste...panting now...can't breathe!

    Tunica - how I long to go back! Have fun!


    MAGS: Thanks - fun contest

    BEE: I did!

    SONGBIRD: Bring it on girly!

    BUD: Yup...this was a great thing for her

    RWA: OH we did....lots of cocktails, a great meal and success at the tables

    STARR: Cards...and I did!

    ANN: So enter it for ME!

    TURNBABY: Done...we had fun

    TUG: As you asked, we did

    JAY: That she does Sir

    TIGGERLAE: I have been doing the calorie count...15 in 3 months, but one day a week I splurge

  20. Julie Says:
  21. You go baby! Have a blast with your gal!

  22. Travis Cody Says:
  23. Congrats to Nancy! And have fun!

  24. Anndi Says:
  25. Aren't you supposed to be on a diet? What kind of friend would that make me... nope.

  26. JULIE: We did!

    TRAVIS: She says THANKS

    ANNDI: No I am not on a diet...I am working out 5 days a week and not over doing it...


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