Remember Them All...

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, November 11, 2008

COUCH NOTE: The following was originally posted in 2006 & 2007


Today is the day we honor the men and women who
have worn the uniform of the
UNITED STATES military services.

It is also the day our neighbor (neighbour) to the north
celebrates the men and women who have served for their country

Many have served...
have fought in battles to protect
the rights of the citizens of the
and to provide freedom throughout the world.

Many have not returned...
from these battles, their blood spilled -

leaving behind families and friends.

Many have come back...
different, both physically and mentally -

never to be the same.

Many, the lucky ones, have returned...
to rejoin our society -
to regain their lives.

Today, take a minute out of your day and stop...
bow your head...and say a silent prayer for
every single one of these brave veterans.

Canada's National War Memorial - Ottawa, Ontario

Matt is a MARINE
Congratulations Sir.
Good safe always

It is Veteran's Day and Remembrance Day but let's not forget those
men and women who are serving us today.

I found out about this on THE ICE BOX the blog

of one of our friend Songbird.

A site where you can send a postcard

to a member of the US military

thanking them for their service.


Find it HERE

COUCH UPDATE: This was part of a comment left by Nancy today:

A US Navy veteran I work with sent the below web page via our work email to all employees requesting that everyone take a minute to thank the men and women serving today. I want to share his message with everyone sitting on The Couch:

“I would ask that you thank those soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guardsmen that you may come across in your daily lives for their sacrifices. Their time away from loved ones, their misery in combat, the fear they may encounter and the undeserved guilt they may feel for coming home when others do not.

On this Veterans day, if you are so inclined, you can send a message to our Service men and women serving our nation both Home and abroad by going to this website.

Go Check It Out!

Finally, on a personal note...



Radio Happy Hour
Coming up this week on DR. BLOGSTEIN’S RADIO HAPPY HOUR:
(Live on Tuesday November 11 at 9PM ET and
forever archived at BlogTalkRadio.)

defenders-of-stan.gifHunter, Austin and Meredith, the three guys who make up the popular internet comedy trio The Big Honkin’, join Dr. B and Dangerous Lee.

Based in the DC Metro area, these three classically trained actors currently produceDefenders of Stan“, the longest running series on Channel 101 NY. They’ve also produced web videos for Warner Brothers and are currently working with Miramax on a documentary.

Here’s a sample of their work:

Then, Marcus Hunt of HGTV’s “Hammer Heads” stops by.michelin-man.jpg

In addition to being the self proclaimed “goof ball with a hammer” on this “do it yourself” program, Hunt has also been the Michelin Man‘ since 2002. He also has the portrayal of a condom in a series of AIDS awareness commercials on his resume.

All that, plus Vinny Bond returns with his Big Leather Couch to chat live with the listeners, Shawn Amos returns with another Pop Quiz, Justin the Weatherman, the music of Bad Boss and we’ll take your calls at 646-652-4804.

Join us live every Tuesday night at 9PM ET. The Radio Happy Hour Lounge-a live, interactive chat room during show time! It’s the show within the show!

31 Of Your Sparks

  1. Travis Cody Says:
  2. I offer my respect and eternal gratitude to all of who have served, and to those who serve today.

  3. Dana Says:
  4. Thank You Matt!

  5. Anndi Says:
  6. They shall never be forgotten.

  7. Schmoop Says:
  8. Happy V-Day to all and a big ol' shout out to the Michelin Man. Cheers Vinny!!

  9. Thanks to all of our veterans and the men and women who currently serve in our military - especially Matt.

    Well done, bond.

  10. very nice tribute mr bond, thanks

  11. OBLadyBug Says:
  12. Great tribute! I’ll always be thankful for the price paid for our freedom by our veterans, and continues to be paid by the men and women currently serving.

    Special thanks goes to Matt.

    A US Navy veteran I work with sent the below webpage via our work email to all employees requesting that everyone take a minute to thank the men and women serving today. I want to share his message with everyone sitting on The Couch:

    “I would ask that you thank those soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guardsmen that you may come across in your daily lives for their sacrifices. Their time away from loved ones, their misery in combat, the fear they may encounter and the undeserved guilt they may feel for coming home when others do not.
    On this Veterans day, if you are so inclined, you can send a message to our Service men and women serving our nation both Home and abroad by going to this website.”

    Just another way we can show our support. Happy Veterans' Day to all!

  13. TRAVIS: Even us left wing radicals can appreciate the sacrifice they make!

    DANA: Very nice

    ANNDI: They will not...

    MATT-MAN: He speaks kindly of you also

    RWA: TY Sir...they deserve our respect and honor

    SARGE: Thank you for your service

    NANCY: Thank you darling...and that is a wonderful site...I have gone over and sent a message

  14. It takes so little effort to send a thank you postcard. Thanks for the plug of the "Let's Say Thanks" site. You're a wonderful American, you commie pinko you. *grin*

  15. It is indeed a day to remember, it should not however be just one day. Thanks for remembering your neighbors up above.


    (and it works again. stupid blogger)

  16. Mimi Lenox Says:
  17. A wonderful tribute, Bond. I will also check out the site Nancy mentioned.

    With great respect for those who served and continue to serve our country. May Godspeed peace in our world.

  18. DrillerAA Says:
  19. Thank you sir. I was one of the lucky ones. I served in Viet Nam. I came home without any missing parts, and I have had the good fortune to live a wonderful life in the greatest nation on earth.

  20. Jay Says:
  21. Nice tribute dude!

  22. Lu' Says:
  23. Thanks Matt.

    Well placed Sir :)

  24. Ralph Says:
  25. We returned from a program in Derby, on the green. It is a shame that so many WWII vets are passing on. Patti knows a vet named Bernie, as sh has written about many vets in the area. Bernie played 'Taps' after the nine (?) gu salute. A beautiful rendition. He keeps in playing shape, no doubt, because he plays at many a vet's funeral...
    Thank you for your tribute.

  26. leelee Says:
  27. Well done...and thank you Matt!


  28. Dianne Says:
  29. Good job Vin, beautiful job.

    I went over to the VFW early this morning. Bought my usual giant 'tanker' of coffee and a fruit bowl I had prepared last night - all red white and blue
    of course they all wanted to know where the doughnuts were!! never fear they were in the car.

    I missed your 1 year yesterday :)
    I remember the photo of Nancy in the red coat - that was at the zoo right?

    and last but so not least
    Hugs and Thanks Matt.

  30. What a touching post today, Veterans' Day, Vinny! I do think of our men and women serving in Iraq and Iran and I'm real proud of them! Happy Ruby Tuesday, Vin! All my best to Matt! :)

  31. Meribah Says:
  32. A beautiful tribute, Bond. Thanks for sharing. :)

  33. Tug Says:
  34. Thank you to veterans, past and present.

  35. Julie Says:
  36. It doesn't matter how many times you run this post's perfect!

    Thank you!

  37. Patti Says:
  38. Great post, Vinny.
    I also want to thank Matt for his service and to wish him the best.

    I attended two Veterans Day events today. The second one could bring tears..little ones singing patriotic songs and the hymns from all the branches. There were 8 elderly veterans there who they were honoring.
    Three girls dressed as the Andrews Sisters and sang 'Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree.' You could see the teachers worked hard with the kids.

  39. SONGBIRD: That is gets capped!

    MIRANDA: Thanks and glad to see you again

    MIMI: Wouldn't it be nice if by next Christmas most of our men and women are home!

    DRILLERAA: And for your service and devotion I think you warmly Sir...

  40. JAY: Thanks so much

    LU': Thank you ma'am...

    RALPH: When my granddad was alive he would go to every funeral of a fallen hero, dressed in his uniform.

    LEELEE: Thank you so much

  41. Bud Fisher Says:
  42. Well put, my friend.

  43. DIANNE: What a wonderful thing to do...yes, that was from our first date at the zoo and THANKS

    MARY: Thank you so much...I think of them every day

    MERI: Thank you for stopping by

    TUG: Huge thanks to all

    JULIE: Thank you my sweet friend...

    PATTI: What a great way to spend your day.

  44. Thanks to all of our veterans and those who love them!

    Great post!

    I am an American.

  45. Maggie Moo Says:
  46. It's a great tribute Vinny-even 2 years later.

  47. Lucy Stern Says:
  48. I went by and left a message to our service men and women and hope it let's them know that I honor them....

    My dad was in the Navy during WWII and he loved it. He taught us about honor and I am grateful for that.

  49. katherine. Says:
  50. thanking all members of military service...especially the Teamster's son who is re-enlisting this week...following six years in the Air Foce.

  51. Kidlet's class trip to DC is trying to schedule laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Both my grandfathers were WW II vets.


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