That was quick. Of course, I didn't post anything today either. But then, again, I'm not quite as regular as you. Man, that didn't come out right! Oops, neither did that. I better quit while I'm ahead. Have a great day.
I got into blogging to express myself. It has led me to sharing my life, my passion for food, my fiction and my love of music.
Music On The Couch is a passion for me. Sharing "Musicians You Should Know" and helping those who appear on the show to grow their audience.
I have those days. I feel like a coffee pot with the dregs of yesterday's pot in it sometimes.
Well, at least you're willing to admit it.
Ha! I was there yesterday! Thank goodness all that I needed to do today was post a half-nekkid picture!
That was quick. Of course, I didn't post anything today either. But then, again, I'm not quite as regular as you.
Man, that didn't come out right! Oops, neither did that. I better quit while I'm ahead. Have a great day.
Oh yes you do! You're just keeping it to yourself!
It happens to the best of us - even you!
Well Heck-A-Doodle!
It happens
An honest man...
It Happens...!...
I haven't had anything in MONTHS. ;-)
It happens.
you forgot 'butkus' (sp)
you spent yourself yesterday!! wow that post was packed
and thank you for the award, means a lot coming from you - you're such a mensch
yes - I am channeling Nana today :)
We all have those days but just don't admit it. But don't do it tomorrow!
We all feel your pain...
Heck-a-doodle! I love Jeff B's comment.
I've got plenty o' nuthin' lately, that's why I post pix of wacky cats..they amuse me and I hope those who stop by my blog.