For some strange reason my friend TURNBABY has asked we drag THE COUCH over
and appear as a guest on her BlogTalk Radio show this evening at 6:00PM EDT.
and appear as a guest on her BlogTalk Radio show this evening at 6:00PM EDT.
What are we going to talk about?
You don't have a clue, do you?
Maybe she'll ask about my fabulous looks?
NAH you are only mildly attractive...
Maybe she'll ask about my great sense of humor?
NAH you am only mildly amusing...how many times do you need to be told that?
Maybe she'll ask about my ability to write like Stephen King?
NAH, you are only mildy entertaining...
Sheesh, guess mildly is our most use adjective...
How wonderful and funny and witty and brilliant TURN is?
YEAH, knowing her and her show, that will probably be the subject!
Her DH will probably call in and compliment another of her body parts also!
Wooooo Wonder which one it will be this week!
Will you PLEASE settle down!
So tune in and listen to me kiss her a** and spend an hour complimenting her!
Well, we know you kiss a** well, suck up...
Are you done yet?
Just click on the button below and at 6:00 PM, click the LISTEN button on that page..
OH, and PLEASE CALL IN, because we am not sure we have an hour's worth of compliments...
though TURN has told me she would be sending me an email with a few we can use!
Figures, you probably need help taking a prostrate exam too...
You know, it is Sunday, will you please settle!
So, please join TURN and me
and, unfortunately him...tonight 6:00PM

Maybe she'll ask about my fabulous looks?
NAH you are only mildly attractive...
Maybe she'll ask about my great sense of humor?
NAH you am only mildly amusing...how many times do you need to be told that?
Maybe she'll ask about my ability to write like Stephen King?
NAH, you are only mildy entertaining...
Sheesh, guess mildly is our most use adjective...
How wonderful and funny and witty and brilliant TURN is?
YEAH, knowing her and her show, that will probably be the subject!
Her DH will probably call in and compliment another of her body parts also!
Wooooo Wonder which one it will be this week!
Will you PLEASE settle down!
So tune in and listen to me kiss her a** and spend an hour complimenting her!
Well, we know you kiss a** well, suck up...
Are you done yet?
Just click on the button below and at 6:00 PM, click the LISTEN button on that page..
OH, and PLEASE CALL IN, because we am not sure we have an hour's worth of compliments...
though TURN has told me she would be sending me an email with a few we can use!
Figures, you probably need help taking a prostrate exam too...
You know, it is Sunday, will you please settle!
So, please join TURN and me
and, unfortunately him...tonight 6:00PM

OMG--I forgot you'd be bringing "him" Tee hee
Email to follow sugar--I am sure we'll have plenty to fill an hour--probably two!
Hopefully some hoochies will call this week!
good luck tonight bond!
smiles, bee
Uhm...how many of your voices will be joining the show tonight?
I'm just asking!!! No offense to the voices! They are...uhm...very...well...entertaining. Yeah, that's it!
I was wondering if you were here yet, Travis! This is going to be nuts!
Hmmm Vinny and his "friends" visiting Turn?
Okay... so what time is on MY time over here???
I wanna call in and compliment people and then maybe you and I can take it "off the air" if you know what I mean...
**Kicks the Bond's "mean voice" in the arse...if it has an arse** LOL I look forward to hearing y'all!
Sure wish I could tune in live, but, ya know, gotta do the family thing.
Sigh. Guess I'll have to listen on the archives and miss the fun.
Ummm... it was a joke about the emaill heheeheheh
You invite one of me...you get all of me....
it is howdy doody time... oh that is not what you meant huh?
leave him alone..he can be nasty
archives archives archives
That was fun!
Good luck on the show, Bond. I think I missed it already!
Umm...how'd it go? Will there be film at 11?
Good show! Thats cool that you can subscribe with itune's ;D
Vinny you TWO-TIMER!