We had promised STARRLIGHT we would be doing her "Middle Name Meme" today...but will be putting that off until tomorrow, as today we need to let you, all of our most wonderful GUESTS here on THE COUCH, how much you have touched us...
Two weeks ago we let you all know about the contest being held over at BESTEST BLOG, allowing the fans to vote on the winners of the BESTEST BLOG OF THE DAY to select a BESTEST BLOG OF THE YEAR.
The list was incredible and included some very special friends of ours. We encouraged you all to vote hard for them...There were other blogs we knew of that were very special places to visit and when we saw the list our only thought was 'wouldn't it to be nice to get in the top 15?'
So, what did all y'all do??? You voted for THE COUCH... and this morning we were shocked into speechlessness...
On January 18th, 2007, the above mentioned STARRLIGHT nominated THE COUCH for THE BESTEST BLOG OF THE DAY. It was a total shock to us that day as you see from the link on the date there...
Now, you have gone and done it again. Somehow, THE COUCH reached the #1 spot in this competition...how the hell could that have happened??????
You have all humbled me and touched my heart.
Without you, our GUESTS, The Couch is just an egocentric place for our blabberings...
Without you, our GUESTS, The Couch is a small little nothing in this huge bloggosphere...
Without you, our GUESTS, The Couch does not even exist...
When we conceived THE COUCH, our hope was we could provide a little entertainment and share our happiness and our sorrows, our thoughts and feelings on world events...and mostly, just a little place for my, then, small group of friends to sit and laugh and enjoy each other's company.
You have helped make it a much more fun place and have encouraged me through my toughest times. You have patted me on the back and kicked my ass...you have told me you agreed with our thoughts and you have told us we are full of crap when you thought so...
It has become as much about you, as it does about me...
This award NEEDS to be shared with each and every one of you...that is not crap...that is how we truly feel...
Before anyone goes off on us about our rant against the BESTEST BLOG site, please remember, our comments were always about the fact that we were disappointed the site was not being kept up and we felt that was wrong. We never complained that 'our hits were down' or that 'we paid money and did not get anything back'....
We do like the new version of the BESTEST BLOG where people vote for the daily winners...it seems more fair and democratic...
To the owners of the other 104 blogs, we send you our congratulations...you all do a great job entertaining your readers each and every day
Now, we have been told there may be an investigation into hanging chads, but we think that is just crazy... our chad does hang .... but certainly not in a bad way....
Finally, for today...we are dedicating this to every single one of you who showed your love to us the last two weeks and cast the votes that have given us this honor...and to those of you who have been with us on this long strange trip and will continue to sit on THE COUCH, hopefully, for years to come.
Billy Gibbons/Dusty Hill/Frank Beard

Check out the MO show.. new day, new time...

He showed his class last night in a recorded message.
Hank, you did it the right way!

My sweet friend...you have had a seat here from the very beginning and your thoughts and comments and ideas have helped grow this place..thank you
enjoy your trip....
Now you need one of those big foam #1 fingers and you must wear it at all times. Especially while typing.
I told you that you were one in a million. You absolutely deserve this, and I voted a big ol' five for you when I voted.
I was quite shocked at how high I placed. Who knew? I never even "campaigned" for it, nor did I put the button on my blog, and yet still I got votes.
I guess when people like what you write, they'll let you know. You should have figured that out by the first place finish, Vinny. People like it here. They have now rewarded you for it. Great job!
You rock my friend!
BECKEYE: eewugwhvwforhgr93 :::takes foam finget off: OK, well can't type with the foam finger...sorry! TY
SONGBIRD: TY so very much for your kind words....you got a 5 from me dear...I am glad people do like it here...
TRAVIS: TY so very much
Way to go Bond! Can't say I was even the tiniest bit surprised! Well deserved and well earned.
Now you gotta get in the running for blog of the day again, so you can repeat your yearly award next year!
Daggone I was gonna do the Sally Field thingie LOL
And I was gonna WOOOOOO
What Anndi and Dana said!!
TOPCHAMP: TY so much
BOBBY: TY appreciate it
DANA: TY so much
TURNBABY: you would do Sally for me?
TY vm
Crongrats Bond ;D
Congratulations, Love... this is one well deserved honor :-)
Kissy kisses!
I was SO happy you won! I was shocked I got 6th myself there are so many awesome blogs out there. But your's does reign supreme =)
Congratulations to you my dear Hottie one... SMOOCHES~
My brother made an excellent comment on Monday night regarding Mr. Steriod Head ... and it goes as follows ...
"If Bonds had any class about him, he would retire right now and let Hank Aaron keep the record. But he doesn't have that class."
Yes I saw Hank Aaron show much class and dignity to Mr. Steriod Head...
ROGER: Thanks dude...
108: You are very kind..ty
STARR: My benefactor...No shock involved you have a hot blog baby....
TY so much again...
::Standing up and clapping::
Bravo! Bravo!
Congrats on your bestest blog award!!!! Well-deserved!!!!!!
Im sorry, I did not vote at all, because the whole bestest blog thing smacked of spam to me. Plus, I would never be able to pick between everyone anyways.
LOIS: Why TY so very much.
SPARKY: Understood, there are others who are not fans of the way the old site was set up (and might not like the new one either), but as I said, even to those who did not, you all have helped make THE COUCH what it is, so the Thank you is also directed at you kind sir.
If anyone deserves an award such as this it is you. You have inspired, touched and beloved my heart. You I am thankful to have this connection with you and I know soooo many others feel the same way.
Let's celebrate...did Travis bring the cake?!?
DIXIE: Your brother is very smart...i have also said that a few times that he should come up one short and retire..but with that huge head, think of the huge ego...
TY so much for your kind words.
GAIL: That is so wonderful of you...You are a wonderful woman and i appreciate your friendship...Travis? Cake? Where is it dude?
And to think, I have been in the presence of GREATNESS!!! Congrats, Mr. B - it shouldn't be any other way!!
P.S. I'll be here on the Couch, waiting on reports of Bond's indictment for WHATEVVA...I can count on you to keep me up-to-date!!
Bond - You shouldn't be surprised that people flocked to your blog and voted. Enjoy the fame! You deserve it.
PIA: ummm greatness? ummmm well Thank You so much Bodacious...SMOOCH...LOL when it happens we will have it here first (had to think about that and wondered why I was getting indicted!)
MIMI: Very kind of you my friend...Thank you sooooooooo much
MATT-MAN: hehehe TY dude
atta boy....well deserved.
**cruises back in with CAKE for all**
Wooooo I heard CAKE!!!!
Congratulations my friend! I'm so very proud of you!
OHohohoh great song, too!
::golfclap:: You deserve it! I tried to post this yesterday but Blogger was being a butt. :/