Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yes...we are aware the music from yesterday is not playing...figures...decide to focus on music and the music does not work...trying to get it fixed so we can post our next profile

19 Of Your Sparks

  1. Schmoop Says:
  2. Yo Vin-Man...Hope you are well. I miss you as much as I missed "BJ and the Bear" when it got cancelled. Cheers!!

  3. you got a BJ from a bear?

  4. Knowing Matty, that wouldn't surprise me. Of course, we could always hook him up with the Bible of Truth and find out...

    Hope all is well, music man. Hugs to you.

  5. Maggie Moo Says:
  6. Bond, baby...come on over and VOTE!

  7. Piacere Says:
  8. Glad to see you, Mr. B...missed you!!!


  9. Angell Says:
  10. Again, glad to have you back.

  11. SONGBIRD: TY for stopping by - not asking can

    MAGS: I did... LOL

    PIA: Ah well...ty

    ANGELL: ty

  12. Mimi Lenox Says:
  13. Welcome back to the Blogosphere, my friend. Music? What music? Do you hear music? I don't hear music, do you hear music?

  14. MIMI: Yeah...that is the problem..damn lifelogger

  15. Schmoop Says:
  16. Bond, maybe I there a problem with that? Sexual elitist, you.

  17. hey you are way ahead of the game on me if you did dude

  18. Sparky Duck Says:
  19. I so dont need that visual image of Matt in my head at all

  20. Meribah Says:
  21. **Glomptackles Bond** Wooo! Glad you're back! :D

  22. Travis Cody Says:
  23. That's what I like to see when I get home after a long day. Talk of Matt's possible bestiality.

    I'll bet that's a topic on this new radio show I've heard tell of.

    Good luck with the music. I enjoy your perspectives.

  24. Julie Says:
  25. I'm glad you're back to Vinny. I clicked in daily..just in case.

    Hang tight my dear!

  26. SPARKY: Does anyone????

    MERI: ooooooffffffffffffff ugh thanks ...ouch

    TRAVIS: bwahahahahahahaha of course! over cocktails!

    JULIE: Ty ty

  27. Unknown Says:
  28. Haaaaaaang on Sloopy, sloopy hang on... I love this one - especially the cover version of my favorite German punk rock band "Die Toten Hosen" (although I´m not a "cover girl" in any way... *LOL*. Normally I prefer the originals)

    Like the focus on music, Vinny. you may have realized there´s a music special up on Tuesdays at Coffee2go since a few weeks =)

  29. figures. no concert in podunk! drat...

    smiles, bee

  30. SANNI: thanks dear

    BEE: soon.. the Podunk Blues festival


Music On The Couch