For Amy's Dad

Sparks Of Insanity By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our good friend Amy lost her dad on Monday.
He passed in his sleep after a battle with cancer.
Add her and her family to your prayers please.
You can express your sympathy to dear Amy & her family HERE.


7 Of Your Sparks

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. I am so very sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to Amy and her family. They are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Anndi Says:
  4. Thank you...


  5. Julie Says:
  6. Sweetly done dear Vinny.

  7. How sad and awful for her and her family. I will be sending my most positive thoughts her way :-(

  8. SANNI: Very kind of you

    JULIE: ty

    ANNDI: no reason to thank me...

    108: They appreciate it I am sure

  9. Piacere Says:
  10. I'll have the candle up tomorrow, too. Amy very much appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers. Thank you, V.

    Miss you!

    Hugs and smooches,

  11. amynoroom Says:
  12. Awe, thanks y'all. it means a lot to me that you care.


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